Inspirational Devotionals from Kevin Mayhew featuring books to help you take time out. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
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Showing 14 results for "Devotionals"
- Earlybird & NightfulnessEarlybird and Nightfulness by Dan Pierce is a captivating collection of poetry and prayers designed to frame the beginning and end of your day with reflection and serenity. Dan's rich experiences as an Anglican priest and his deep faith resonate through every page of this book, making it a ...New£8.99 - £9.99
- God In The GardenA year of weekly Bible reflections that follow the seasons and changes of the gardener's year. The perfect gift for gardener's, organic food growers, families with allotments and fans of our Wild Worship series. Philip's weekly devotions help to encourage consistent devotional time - outside ...£14.99
- Celtic Daily LightThe great wealth of Celtic literature and the revival in popularity of the Celtic tradition, offer a very positive source of inspiring and deeply spiritual yet practical material for daily use. This revised edition of Celtic Daily Light will continue to inspire and guide those seeking a deeper ...£16.99 - £21.99
- Moon SongTame Dog. Wild Wood. Abandoned by the side of the road, Chas the puppy is taken in by a clan of badgers and learns to become wild. The idea of killing other creatures horrifies him at first, but he learns to hunt with Sly the fox and endures a harsh winter with the woodland creatures. When he ...New£7.99 - £8.99
- Dwelling in the PsalmsA collection of contemporary reflections on the psalms, rewriting the psalms in ways which help others to understand the meaning behind the narrative whilst also pinpointing their relevance for individuals today and offering accompanying prayers. Specifications Book Format - Paperback Published ...£14.99
- Esther DevotionsHow much do you know about Esther and why an Old Testament book bears her name? Who was she? When and where did she live? What did she achieve that is so memorable? What is the book of Esther about?Linda Ottewell looks at why Esther and her story are relevant and important today. To what extent ...£6.99
- Follow MeFollow Me! is a collection of 40 lively devotions looking at the disciple Peter. Ali Campbell considers the highs and lows of Peter's life and his relationship with Jesus, and how we can relate to Peter today. Each devotion begins with a Gospel reading, followed by a reflection, then a question ...£7.99
- Miriam DevotionsA month in the presence of God's prophet 30 meditations - a daily reading for a month- plus a postscript, on the life of Miriam as found in the Bible. An introduction for each section leads into a Bible reading, followed by a short comment, some questions or a thought to ponder, and then a ...£6.99
- Hannah DevotionsA month in the presence of the mother of Samuel Hannah might seem to us impossibly remote: a woman in a desert town who lived three thousand years ago and as many miles away; a second wife who longed for a son and then - extraordinarily - gave him away. Like a reality TV show's all-seeing ...£6.99
- A Diary Of ThankfulnessA Diary of Thankfulness is written in a calendar format, consisting of 31 daily readings about thanking God - one for each day of the month. It looks at verses from the Bible about thankfulness and some of the many things for which we should be thankful to God. Patrick's aim is to encourage us ...£10.99
- Rooted in GodMaybe you have reached a point in your spiritual life where you are beginning to feel tired, stressed, discouraged, lacking motivation, and possibly even distant from God. You might be feeling completely wrung out. Perhaps the busyness of life is placing pressure on you, preventing you from ...£8.99 - £10.99
- Pause For GodPause for God by Patrick Coghlan – 366 daily moments with God is what it says on the label. A book about self-care, a gentle, compassionate introduction to each day. With space to journal your daily thoughts. The book consists of 366, guided, short, daily moments with God, for those who ...FeaturedNew£14.99 - £16.99
- The God Who Sees YouFrom Georgie Tennant The God Who Sees You is a series of 30 reflections to help us overcome the uneasy feeling that plagues so many of us: that we are unseen, unacknowledged, unloved, misunderstood. As Georgie Tennant takes us on a journey from the Old Testament through to the New, she examines ...Featured£6.99 - £7.99
- Christ IlluminatedBy Joy Margetts Advent is a special time. We look forward with expectancy to Christmas. We get excited by lights and decorations and the joy on children’s faces. But this busy season can also find us with barely a moment to pause and think about the real reason why Christmas is so special. ...New£5.99 - £7.99