Lent Devotionals
Showing 20 results
Showing 20 results for "Lent Devotionals"
- The Great I AmThrough the seven 'I Am' statements of Jesus from John's Gospel, popular author David Adam encourages us to find God in the present tense. Too often the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are spoken of in the past tense. This group course will help us to find the loving God who is present and with us ...£8.99
- A Prayer a Day from Lent to EasterThe six weeks of Lent are a time of preparing: a time when we seek to understand the fullness of Christ's offering on the cross and rejoice in the resurrection. Lent is a time to improve our prayer life and to make sure we spend some time each day with our God. David Adam, author of many ...£10.99
- The Desert And The CityRay Simpson's Lent group study offers us the opportunity to walk with Christ through his desert - not just the wilderness of Judea, but also the city of Jerusalem, where he was tried and tested. By walking with him we shall confront our own weaknesses and strengths as well as his.£8.99
- The Way Of The CrossFollowing the traditional pattern of fourteen stations, David Adam's book combines beautiful prayers with vivid illustrations. His book may be followed at any time of year, but is traditionally used as an act of devotion on Fridays in Lent and on Good Friday.£5.99
- Hearts On FireTwo travellers on the road to Emmaus said to each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road?' These meditations celebrate the joy of meeting up with Jesus, of knowing the risen Lord. They rejoice that Jesus is alive and present with us now. There is a ...£12.99 - £14.99
- No Body But YoursChrist has no body now, but yours. No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. St Teresa of Avila. As Christians, we are all challenged by Jesus' final commission to his disciples, to go and make disciples of all nations. It ...£10.99
- Reflections on the WaterForty Days of Praying and Pondering Through Lent... In these reflections for Lent, Barbara Glasson leads us through forty days focusing on the theme of water: its power, potential, terror and gentleness, providing a deep well of daily prayer and meditation. Covering issues both domestic and ...£5.99 - £7.99
- A Fresh Start With GodJoyce Huggett has written for busy people and helps us to ask searching questions about how we live and pray, and how to discover what lessons we can learn as we journey with Jesus from his baptism to his suffering, death and resurrection.£8.99
- Light ShinesNick Fawcett's reflective writings have for many years offered a valued resource for worship and personal devotion, providing a powerful and imaginative way of communicating the gospel message across the Christian seasons.In this comprehensive compilation, drawn from several of his most ...£21.99
- Let Deserts BloomHere, for the period from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, is a selection of guided daily Bible readings, drawn from both Old and New Testaments. The material is arranged to explore some of the key themes of Lent, with a week looking at each of desert, journey, conflict, discipline, fruitfulness ...£12.99 - £14.99
- Lent With St MarkA collection of readings and prayers for every day of Lent to help you pray with interest and imagination, to follow the way of Jesus more closely, and to celebrate his victory over sin and death in his Easter triumph. The book stimulates thought and prayer, offering new insights, new angles of ...£12.99
- Praying The PassionThe perfect daily companion for the Lenten season, this little book is a comprehensive narrative of the Passion using details and aspects of all four accounts. Mark's account is used as a base, and details unique to the other three Gospels are interwoven to produce a 'composite Passion.' This ...£14.99
- Daily Lent ReflectionsTo deepen our devotional life we need a focus for our thoughts, spiritual food to nurture our faith and discipleship. Daily Lent Reflections makes more accessible the spiritual sustenance already offered by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. For each of the 40 days of Lent, there are readings, ...£16.99
- FortyDays - Thinking Through LentIntended for individual use on a daily basis, Forty Days provides food for thought based on the readings for Lent for all three years of the Revised Common Lectionary. Each day provides a summary of the Bible passage(s), and a line of thought to stimulate the reader's own reflection.£8.99
- Close EncountersIn this devotional Lenten book, Eleanor Watkins meditates upon the transforming personal encounters with Jesus recorded in the Gospels - from the big characters to the little boy who had the five loaves and the two fish - and draws the reader into those encounters. For each of the forty days of ...£7.99 - £8.99
- Fast And FeastLent is traditionally a time of fasting. All too easily we can see fasting in negative terms - of things given up. But we should also consider what we could increase and do more of. This set of daily Lenten meditations suggests something of each - some things to give up and some to take on. To ...£12.99
- Tasting LifeChristians have often found that practising the physical discipline of limiting what and when they eat also deepens their spiritual awareness of God. This book is designed to sensitise readers in a similar way, helping them to make God a daily reality and to enable a closer relationship with ...£9.99 - £10.99
- Who Do You Say That I Am?Annie Heppenstall has spent four years practising a contemplative lifestyle. She offers here an insightful and enriching daily journey through Lent, using Mark's Gospel as a guide book, with reflections, prayer and the opportunity for biblical exploration.Exploring Lent as never before, Annie ...£16.99
- Roll Away The StoneThe Christian journey that leads to a tomb also leads beyond it to the glory of Easter Day. Using the daily Gospel readings for Lent to Easter as a starting point, Brian Fahy has written a personal reflection for each day of the journey to Easter, bringing together positive, heart-warming and ...£17.99
- Looking Through JesusIn 47 daily Lenten reflections on readings from Luke's Gospel, beginning on Ash Wednesday, Alan Bartlett examines how we see Jesus. As we say in the creeds, Jesus was both truly God and truly human but,Alan Bartlett argues, Jesus remains a bit baffling and so remains distant. However, if we are ...£6.99 - £8.99