Prayer Resources from Kevin Mayhew featuring bestselling books by your favourite authors. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
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Showing 79 results for "Prayer"
- God In The GardenA year of weekly Bible reflections that follow the seasons and changes of the gardener's year. The perfect gift for gardener's, organic food growers, families with allotments and fans of our Wild Worship series. Philip's weekly devotions help to encourage consistent devotional time - outside ...£14.99
- Daily PrayerDaily Prayer provides both traditional and modern prayers for all times of the day as well as short arrow prayers that can quickly be learnt by heart. Daily Prayer is based on the PACTS method (Pause, Adore, Confess, Thanks, Supplicate) and is drawn from Prayers for Anglicans.£5.99
- 101 Creative Prayer IdeasMarble-run prayers, milkshake prayers, paper boat prayers and teapot prayers – there's something for everyone in this fun, thought-provoking and creative book. With a focus on peace, respect, care for others, and the world around us. The prayer ideas are grouped into five themes: • Saying ...£13.99
- Staying CloseA Lent Course exploring intimacy with God. This study course explores how we might grow closer to God in and through various aspects of our ordinary daily life. Each session includes reflection on a Bible passage, discussion questions, stories, illustrations, activities, prayers and suggestions ...£8.99
- Lentfulness40 All-Age Activities for Lent With 40 stand-alone sections, one for each day of Lent, this book provides an opportunity to think and reflect and to take time to receive from God, noticing the blessings and the beauty in the ordinary things around us. There are plenty of ideas for positive ...£5.99 - £6.99
- Celtic Daily LightThe great wealth of Celtic literature and the revival in popularity of the Celtic tradition, offer a very positive source of inspiring and deeply spiritual yet practical material for daily use. This revised edition of Celtic Daily Light will continue to inspire and guide those seeking a deeper ...£16.99 - £21.99
- Daily Prayer Pocket EditionNick Fawcett's Daily Prayer is simply structured with material for every day of the year, including a seasonal supplement. It is a practical tool for personal devotional use. The Scripture passages, down-to-earth reflections and prayers stimulate, challenge and encourage a prayer life that is ...£14.99
- Colourful LentAt the heart of Colourful Lent is the concept that colour is often more helpful than words. This unique approach to Lent will be welcomed by those who struggle to pray using only words, or those who seek to add a whole new dimension to their prayer life.£6.99
- Reflective Services For LentHow can you do justice to an approaching church season, such as Lent, when the cupboard seems bare and work pressures are high?As a parish priest, free church minister and principal liturgist for the Community of Aidan and Hilda, Ray Simpson understands this dilemma well. His reflective services ...£9.99 - £10.99
- A New Light ShiningA New Light Shining looks at the challenges that faced Jesus and the challenges he brings to us. The aim is to stimulate reflection and to help the reader enter into events in such a way that they become alive.£8.99
- A Cuppa And A PrayerGod is always there in the everyday experiences of life - from the routine drudgery of housework to watching TV or sitting down with a nice hot cup of tea. Celebrate and respond to that truth through these down-to-earth prayers.£6.99
- A Prayer a Day from Lent to EasterThe six weeks of Lent are a time of preparing: a time when we seek to understand the fullness of Christ's offering on the cross and rejoice in the resurrection. Lent is a time to improve our prayer life and to make sure we spend some time each day with our God. David Adam, author of many ...£10.99
- Liturgies From LindisfarneLiturgies from Lindisfarne is a daily worship book for individuals, new monastic groups and churches. It reconnects the world with the seasons and the soil, the saints and the streets, the struggles, senses and silence as well as the Spirit and the Scriptures. It provides many and varied prayers ...£24.99 - £32.99
- Prayers For Public Worship - Lent To EasterBringing together 325 heartfelt and beautiful prayers,this book takes you from the start of Lent all the way through to Easter.An invaluable resource for all those who prepare public worship, these inspirational prayers have been written by four of the best-loved and most distinguished Christian ...£9.99 - £13.99
- Follow Me - A Lent Guide For FamiliesA daily Lent course for all the family, with stories, activities and reflections. Each week leading up to Easter focuses on a particular Bible passage about being called to follow Jesus. For all the family. The format provides a new activity for every day of the week but the daily suggestions ...£9.99
- Dwelling in the PsalmsA collection of contemporary reflections on the psalms, rewriting the psalms in ways which help others to understand the meaning behind the narrative whilst also pinpointing their relevance for individuals today and offering accompanying prayers. Specifications Book Format - Paperback Published ...£14.99
- Hugs from AbovePrayers and reflections for those who are retired and in later life... Retirement and later life is not an end, but a new beginning, a chance to discover even more about yourself, your world, and the God who loves you unconditionally! Looking at the changes that take place during this time of ...£5.99 - £7.99
- Still, Still With Theeby Nick Fawcett Transform your prayer life with 365 days of inspiration and guidance. Struggling with your prayer life? Your daily devotions stuck in a bit of rut? Or are you simply looking for new ways in which to deepen your relationship with God? Either way, this is the resource for you: a ...Featured£12.99 - £14.99
- 1000 Prayers For Public WorshipDavid Adam's writing on prayer and spirituality is loved the world over. In this book, we have gathered 1000 of his finest prayers and arranged them thematically for the key seasons of the Church year and all areas of Christian life. The result is an invaluable resource for those who prepare ...£24.99 - £27.99
- Hearts On FireTwo travellers on the road to Emmaus said to each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road?' These meditations celebrate the joy of meeting up with Jesus, of knowing the risen Lord. They rejoice that Jesus is alive and present with us now. There is a ...£12.99 - £14.99
- 3 Minute Prayers For GrandparentsGives grandparents the opportunity to chat with God about the joys and challenges of having grandchildren. Invites grandparents to pray for their grandchildren throughout their lives. Each daily piece encourages you to Read, Pray and Think for a few minutes as you bring the youngsters to ...£6.99