Drama Resources from Kevin Mayhew featuring resources for all ages by your favourite authors. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
Showing 26 results
Showing 26 results for "Drama"
- 25 Christian Drama SketchesLight-hearted and serious, covering the Church Year, lasting from 2 to 8 minutes These 25 wonderfully scripted sketches are suitable for both experienced drama groups and those just starting out. Their modest length also makes them ideal for underlining the message of a reading or sermon.£16.99
- Take TenA groundbreaking resource for youth workers both inside and outside the Church, Take 10 is designed to fill a need for material which will enable young people to have fun, explore issues which face society, understand decisions faced by those in authority and to be fully involved in the group.£12.99
- Take Ten MoreA groundbreaking resource for youth workers both inside and outside the Church, Take 10 is designed to fill a need for material which will enable young people to have fun, explore issues which face society, understand decisions faced by those in authority and to be fully involved in the group.£12.99
- Sinner EllaSinner Ella is a great way to present the Gospel at any time of the year. The main themes of Cinderella are followed, but Michael Forster introduces some radical changes to the story. Take the script and have fun with it: encourage all the usual panto responses, and pray that the love of Christ ...£12.99
- Direct Approach Book 2If you are ever stuck for ideas for innovative Christian drama, here are two books you'll find invaluable. They are written by Anne Collins, a drama teacher with more than 30 years' experience. Innovative yet surprisingly simple, you will soon see the benefits of using the Direct Approach!£12.99
- A Great WesternStages: Key Stage 3-4 Photocopy: Permitted Side-splitting comedy combines with easily staged action in this 'wild west parable panto' - larger than life characters and a gentle retelling of one of Jesus' most famous parables. Imagine the Good Samaritan meeting Cinderella with Gilbert and ...£10.99 - £16.99
- Powerpack On StageThe 20 dynamic dramas in On Stage are based on real-life situations and engaging subjects and are extremely effective as a teaching tool.£10.99
- Buried TreasureBuried Treasure is a collection of 15 Christian dramas suitable for use in assemblies, clubs and churches. Each sketch is easy to learn and requires only two people. Also included are tips on how to improve your dramatic technique in order to give an impressive performance.£12.99
- Sketches For The Church YearSketches for the Church Year contains 16 dramas designed for use in all-age worship, perhaps to fill the sermon slot, or for use on a special occasion. Each sketch is written for a specific time in the Church Year or to amplify a particular incident from the Bible.£13.99
- Drama Out Of A CrisisDrama out of a Crisis contains 15 sets of reflections on Advent, each containing a mixture of monologues, sketches, stories, Bible readings, questions and prayers. However you choose to use this book your eyes will be opened anew to the events that changed the world forever.Please note made to ...£10.99
- Actually LoveDealing with many instances where we question the concept of love and its effect on our lives, Actually Love? gives us a prod in the ribs and, once or twice, a jab at our conscience. With the minimum of props and the maximum tongue in cheek factor, these sketches are intended to make you smile, ...£15.99
- Acts Of GodIs your church's all-age worship dogged by dodgy drama thrown together at a moment's notice? Each item in this collection provides a hook on which to hang a message, with the biblical background always emerging to add punch and authority. Many topics are covered, giving you a set of dramas ...£16.99
- The Star And The StableThis collection of scripts includes three for Christmas - each one brief enough to tackle in a realistic time scale and yet thorough enough to convey a simple message relevant to today's audiences.£10.99
- Beyond The CringeComedy in church? You're having a laugh, aren't you? Peter Shaw certainly hopes you will be, because in his words: '... if you can get someone to laugh - you are half way to getting what you want. And what we want is for people to know and love Jesus.' Contents Danger! Men at workAbram:The ...£12.99
- 3 Plays For SecondariesA collection of easy-to-use, humorous and fast-paced plays that will engage both cast and audience.£12.99
- Acts Of FaithHere are 25 sketches for adult Christian drama groups. The scripts have been written in the belief that by acting out God's Word - sometimes as tragedy, often as comedy - there is always the chance that, for someone in the audience in church, school, street or cathedral, the point will strike ...£12.99
- At Your ServiceChris Govus and Andy Griffiths use a pleasing collection of quirky characters to deliver sideways-on interpretations of biblical stories. Having grabbed the congregation's attention with one of these sketches, you will find there is enough factual information on which to base a short talk or sermon.£12.99
- Stories To PerformStories to Perform is a collection of 35 Bible-based lessons accompanied by easy-to-perform sketches or rhyming verses, often written in a humorous style. Each session begins with teacher's information - a range of ideas to help leaders develop the story for a wide range of ages: from the under ...£16.99
- The Coming KingAdvent is not simply about a baby in a manger. No. It is a time of awe and wonderment, a time when we reflect on the return of the King! And The Coming King will help you see it all in a wonderful new light. Imagine, then, the Marriage Guidance for Mary and Joseph when they face their ...£9.99
- Footsteps To GloryLent and Holy Week are important times of reflection. A well-acted and well-produced piece of drama can make a real difference in helping us all understand with greater depth the events that we focus on at this time. Bible-based, and drawing on the key messages from this key period in the ...£10.99
- Beastly Bible Stories Book 1Gory, Gory Hallelujah! So you think the Bible is boring? Think again! You may know lots of friendly Bible tales about animals, angels and the baby Jesus - but that's only half of the story. This book is full of the blood, guts and miraculous mayhem that the other children's Bible stories are ...£14.99