Showing 52 results
Showing 52 results for "Lectionary"
- Living Stones - Year CLiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer. Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- The Complete Children's Liturgy BookHere is an all-embracing, child-centred liturgical programme which faithfully follows the Lectionary. The inspirational teaching ideas are the result of Katie Thompson's long experience within her own parish, during which the material was tested and refined. Photocopiable worksheets accompany ...£32.99
- Searchlights - Year CA practical and comprehensive programme for Common Worship, Searchlights provides an abundance of inspirational worship ideas for all members of the church community, young and old alike, nurturing them individually and as a congregation into a loving and living relationship with God.The ...£3.99 - £24.99
- Liturgy of the Word with ChildrenHere you will find a complete but flexible scheme for celebrating the Liturgy of the Word for every Sunday of the three-year cycle. Each of the 163 sessions is packed full of ideas, readings, songs, prayers and photocopiable activities that encourage young people in a way that is real and ...£32.99
- Prayers Of Intercession - Common WorshipIt is a privilege to lead intercessions in church on a Sunday and at the great Christian festivals. It can also be daunting. David Adam here brings his fresh wording to enrich the intercessions at your church, with prayers that can be used as they are or adjusted to suit your local situation. ...£32.99
- A Most Amazing Man - Year CThis collection of Nick Fawcett's moving meditations is linked to the Common Worship Lectionary for Year C, covering every Sunday plus the major festivals. The meditations focus exclusively on the Gospel readings and are written from the perspective of characters from the Gospels, breathing new ...£29.99 - £32.99
- Sunday SortedSunday Sorted is a resource for the whole church family and will be treasured by anyone involved in preparing and leading worship in church. Based on the Common Worship Lectionary, it ensures that everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, will be exploring and praying through the same themes, ...£32.99
- Living Stones - Year ALiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer. Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- Bob Hartman's Astounding All-Age Bible Readings For Holidays And Holy DaysEach year they come round: readings for Advent, Christmas, Harvest, Easter and every other holy day. And the question is, 'How do I make them fresh? How do I help my church hear with new ears the readings they have heard a hundred times before?' This collection of scripture retellings is meant ...£8.33 - £10.99
- A Most Amazing Man - Year ANick Fawcett's latest book is based on the Gospel readings for Year A of the Lectionary. It is in two sections, both based on the Gospels: Section One is a series of meditations - one for every Sunday and major feast - written from the perspective of Bible characters who appear in the Gospels. ...£29.99 - £32.99
- Living Stones - Year BLiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer, Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- All-Sorts Worship Year CYou can't turn a service into an all-age worship service just by throwing in a children's sermon and an action song. All-sorts Worship contains complete services for every Sunday of Year C, which are designed to include people of 'all sorts and conditions of life', meaning that the whole ...£32.99
- Sunday School In A Tin! (Year C)Stories, games & creative craft ideas for year C No planning, no preparation, no photocopying or collection of lids or yoghurt pots - once you have filled your tin or box with a few inexpensive and easy to find resources you will be set up for the rest of the year. For each Sunday there is ...£9.99 - £16.99
- Sunday Sorted Book 2Sunday Sorted is a resource for the whole church family and will be treasured by anyone involved in preparing and leading worship in church. Based around the church year, it ensures that everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, will be exploring and praying through the same themes, ideas, and ...£32.99
- Special Sundays SortedSpecial Sundays Sorted features all age worship services for key events and Sundays throughout the year. Each session provides everything you need for every age group to engage with the lesson. Downloadable resources included ContentsBaptism / Adult BaptismDedication / Christening ServiceMission ...£10.99
- Seasonal Sundays SortedSeasonal Sundays Sorted features All Age Services for a selection of seasons throughout the year.Each session has everything you need for each and every age group.Downloadable resources included ContentsThe First Sunday of Advent The Second Sunday of AdventThe Third Sunday of Advent The Fourth ...£10.99
- Searchlights Lamps Yr A B & C - CdromThe book for those working with children of pre-school age; full programme with photocopiable worksheets.£21.99
- Feeding On God's Word-Year CTaken from the Living Stones programme, these reflections on the readings for Common Worship will help people to partake more meaningfully in that 'meal of Scripture'; invaluable for those with an active role in weekly worship for study groups, individuals and the household.£10.99
- Contemporary Reflections For Prayer & Worship Year CAn outstanding book of reflections from Sheila Walker who has an easy, contemporary style full of memorable images pushing for attention. Preachers will find this book a constant source of ideas, images and insights to enliven their preaching.£17.99
- One For All 3One for All 3 presents complete services for every Sunday of the year. They are designed to include everyone, which means that the whole congregation worships together and nobody is tidied away.Each service offers a completely fresh set of ideas, tailored to a specific theme:• Lively Bible ...£32.99
- Pebbles - Complete (A/B/C) Common Worship Talks And Activities (Preschool - 5)Pebbles was first published in three volumes, one for each year of the liturgical cycle. Since then Susan Sayers' teaching programme has proved to be of enduring value as a resource for those who lead children's groups covering pre-school to 5 years old and we are now republishing it as a single ...£32.99