Bibles from Kevin Mayhew featuring the bestselling translation by Nicholas King. In Stock, available to Buy direct from the UK publisher Online Today. Daily Offers & Promotions
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Showing 20 results for "Bibles"
- Bob Hartman's Astounding All-Age Bible Readings For Holidays And Holy DaysEach year they come round: readings for Advent, Christmas, Harvest, Easter and every other holy day. And the question is, 'How do I make them fresh? How do I help my church hear with new ears the readings they have heard a hundred times before?' This collection of scripture retellings is meant ...£8.33 - £10.99
- Classic Children's BibleThis Children's Bible is a treasury of stories, known and loved by generations of readers. Beautifully illustrated and presented, it is a timeless collection that will inspire all who open its pages. Contents The Story of Creation Good and Evil Cain and Abel Noah's Ark The Great Flood The ...£9.99
- The Complete My Bible (With Read-Along Tracks)The Complete My Bible provides the perfect foundation for children to build their knowledge of God's people and the life of Jesus. My Bible contains 118 of the best-loved stories from the Bible. Includes Read-along Tracks as CD or Digital Download£14.99
- The Greatest Love Story Ever ToldBORING!' Have you ever described the Gospels that way? Well, if you have, you are going to have to find a new word to describe them once you have read this book - something like 'awesome', 'cool', 'fab', or 'wicked' perhaps.Rosie Rushton, who knows a thing or two about writing for teenagers - ...£10.99 - £14.99
- Blokes BibleA bloke with a Bible goes into a pub... No, it's not the start of a joke but a punchy, down-to-earth retelling of Bible stories, aimed especially at men. Dave Hopwood's honest and funny The Bloke's Bible features a regular guy reflecting on his life, his faith and his Bible as he opens it in ...£5.99£9.99
- Bibles Birds And BeastiesEver Heard of a Talking Donkey? Or a Man Who Lived in a Giant Fish? Children will be captivated by this fun and engaging collection of best-loved Bible stories, featuring unforgettable characters like Noah, Jonah, Daniel, Elijah, and Jesus - plus a few exciting surprises along the way! With ...£5.99
- Wild Bible, Wild ChurchAt a time, when many people are re-thinking their relationship to the natural world, and their understanding of church, this book is vital. This book aims to transform your worship and spirituality through Bible teaching on the natural world. The natural world is a revelation of God. It is one ...New£6.99 - £7.99
- Life In All Its FullnessIntended to make the Bible alive and accessible for people of all ages, these readings can be used for family and all-age services, Bible studies, enquirers' and young people's groups.£9.99
- Alan Dale BibleThe Alan Dale Bible is a presentation of 'the heart' of the Bible story in an accessible and meaningful way. There could be no better introduction to the Bible, for searching minds of all ages.£17.99
- The One - GospelsThe One: Gospels is a vibrant new interpretation of the four Gospels using engaging, contemporary language: a modern version that tells the story to every generation.£14.99
- Mark - The Strangest GospelFor many people, Mark's gospel has become so familiar that they no longer notice its oddity and may therefore miss what it is saying about the meteoric new reality that is Jesus. Nicholas King calls Mark's gospel 'the strangest gospel' and makes a good deal of this 'strangeness' in this ...£10.99
- My Bible 2These excellent first Bible story books provide the perfect foundation for children to build their knowledge of God's people and the life of Jesus. There are 59 stories from the Old and New Testament in each, all succinctly told and yet faithful.£8.99
- Rediscover JesusTo look at something from another perspective is often key to understanding it better and with greater depth. It also provides us with an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and to challenge who and what we are. In Rediscover Jesus, and based on an actual study tour of the Holy Land, Peter ...£10.99
- My Bible - Classroom EditionMeasuring over 13 inches by nearly 10 inches and containing 26 stories, this new edition of the bestselling My Bible is ideal for use in classrooms.£14.99
- Not That Man! - Restoring St Paul's ReputationIf you think you don't like St Paul then this book is for you. It covers controversial topics such as Paul's attitudes to women, slavery and sex; it also asks 'What changed Paul?', 'Did Paul think that Jesus was God?', and many other questions. Key passages have been included to illustrate that ...£17.99
- Beastly Bible Stories Book 7 Old SizeGory, Gory Hallelujah! So you think the Bible is boring? THINK AGAIN! 12 lively-told and illustrated New Testament stories full of the blood, guts and miraculous mayhem that other children's Bible stories are afraid to mention. WARNING!This book contains false friends, Roman execution and a ...£14.99
- Beastly Bible Stories Book 8Turning the world upside down So you think the Bible is boring? THINK AGAIN! 12 lively-told and illustrated New Testament stories, also including a Beastly bonus story! 'full of the blood, guts and miraculous mayhem that other children's Bible stories are afraid to mention. WARNING!This book ...£14.99
- Body LanguageHow do we speak of God who is not physical but spirit? We follow the Bible and use body language. We speak of God walking in the Garden, of talking with prophets and kings. Such body language speaks powerfully about the way we understand God acting in this world and relating to it. This book ...£12.99
- Pictures Of The Early ChurchWelcome to the New Testament This book is an invitation to read the 27 documents that make up the library we call 'the New Testament'. They come in different shapes and sizes; there are the five (yes, five) narratives that we call 'gospels'. And there are other documents that we call 'letters', ...£25.99
- Credible WitnessesJohn's Gospel includes a broad spectrum of witnesses to Jesus, whose wide-ranging responses and stories are an attempt to persuade audiences of their points of view on Jesus, which range from positive to negative. The evangelist wants his readers to become more confident in their faith, hence ...£21.99