Liturgical Resources from Kevin Mayhew featuring books to support the liturgical calendar. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
Showing 107 results
Showing 107 results for "Liturgical"
- Living Stones - Year CLiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer. Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- Common Worship Prayers of Intercession - Susan SayersJam-packed with fresh ideas...From the country's most trusted, consistent and popular writer on prayer and worship, Susan Sayers, here are Prayers of Intercession for Common Worship.Packed with intercessions for every Sunday of Common Worship in a simple, easy-to-use format with heaps of useful ...£27.99 - £38.99
- Searchlights - Year CA practical and comprehensive programme for Common Worship, Searchlights provides an abundance of inspirational worship ideas for all members of the church community, young and old alike, nurturing them individually and as a congregation into a loving and living relationship with God.The ...£3.99 - £24.99
- Prayers of PreparationVestry prayers are an important part of worship, offering the opportunity to focus people's thoughts upon God so that they are better prepared to hear his word, glimpse his presence, and offer their response with body, mind and soul. Prayers of Preparation includes a short preparatory prayer ...£14.99
- Your Confirmation In The Anglican ChurchConfirmation is a vital step in our life-long journey with Christ, so it is important to consider what confirmation means and how it will affect the rest of our lives. This illustrated and colourful book provides those considering confirmation with questions and thoughts to consider as they ...£4.99 - £5.99
- The Confirmation ExperienceThe Confirmation Experience aims to celebrate Confirmation in a way that grows a healthy community of Christians. Using the image of a journey, there are twelve very varied events rather than a course of study, in which all candidates take part together, along with other members of the church ...£6.99 - £18.99
- The Sacristan in the Church of EnglandHere is an invaluable book for both the novice and the experienced sacristan. Canon Thomas Robertson offers the fruits of a lifetime of experience and interest in the practice of good liturgy. He explains the functions of the sacred vessels, vestments and furniture, their use in services and ...£12.99
- The Churchwarden's HandbookThis practical guide is intended to provide information of a non-technical nature to those already serving, to those contemplating offering themselves, and for all who are involved in choosing suitable persons to fill this highly responsible role within the parish. Specification Book format - ...£10.99
- Children & Holy Communion (Revised)Children and Holy Communion presents many convincing reasons for the admission of children to Holy Communion, based on the actual experiences of churches. It offers an invaluable practical aid to preparation for Holy Communion in the form of a six-session course with notes for leaders and ...£16.99
- Prayers Of Intercession - Common WorshipIt is a privilege to lead intercessions in church on a Sunday and at the great Christian festivals. It can also be daunting. David Adam here brings his fresh wording to enrich the intercessions at your church, with prayers that can be used as they are or adjusted to suit your local situation. ...£32.99
- Meet Christ With JoySister Joan Brown has a special interest in First Communion preparation in school and parish. Her book is primarily for parents and children to enjoy as they journey together in faith towards Eucharist. Through activities, prayers, scripture stories and celebrations, it forms a complete and ...£8.99
- A Most Amazing Man - Year CThis collection of Nick Fawcett's moving meditations is linked to the Common Worship Lectionary for Year C, covering every Sunday plus the major festivals. The meditations focus exclusively on the Gospel readings and are written from the perspective of characters from the Gospels, breathing new ...£29.99 - £32.99
- Loved & ForgivenThese books unite everyone in the preparation of the Sacraments. Printed in full colour throughout and packed with activities, they form a complete and personal record of these special times. Each book is a continuous development leading from awareness of self and belonging up to the wonder of ...£8.99
- The Possibility of DifferenceMarcus Green makes three startlingly honest confessions. His first, that he is an Anglican; his second, that he is an evangelical; and finally, his third, that he is gay. It is these uncompromising and at times conflicting standpoints that make the basis for this compelling, compassionate, ...£8.99 - £9.99
- Living Stones - Year ALiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer. Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- Your Confirmation in the Church of EnglandFor the adult candidate for Confirmation this is a valuable aid explaining not only the significance of the service itself, but also the responsibilities and rewards of Church membership.£8.99
- Prayer Of The FaithfulThese intercessions are profoundly scriptural, drawn from the readings of each Sunday or feast day, and the prayers link the readings to the needs and aspirations of the worshipping community in any parish. The sureness of touch, the freshness of language and the natural rhythm of Fr Gerald ...£43.99
- A Most Amazing Man - Year ANick Fawcett's latest book is based on the Gospel readings for Year A of the Lectionary. It is in two sections, both based on the Gospels: Section One is a series of meditations - one for every Sunday and major feast - written from the perspective of Bible characters who appear in the Gospels. ...£29.99 - £32.99
- Reflective Worship Through The SeasonsIn Worship through the Seasons Nick Fawcett provides 24 complete service outlines for innovative and reflective worship during Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, the opening days of Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.The services consist of:• Suggested visual materialand music• ...£18.99
- Your Baby's Baptism (Anglican)Deciding to have your child baptised is an occasion for joy and celebration, but it must also be undertaken seriously and thoughtfully. This perennial bestseller, beautifully designed and printed in full colour throughout, will help parents understand more deeply what baptism is and what it ...£5.99
- Now You're ConfirmedIn this enormously popular young person's guide to growing in the Anglican Church, Susan Sayers tackles the many questions, problems and difficulties that young Christians encounter. A great gift for them on the day of their Confirmation.£9.99