With authors such as Ray Simpson (Guardian of the Community of Aidan and Hilda on Holy Island) and David Adam (poet-priest of Lindisfarne) on our list plus composers such as Keith Duke, it is little wonder we have several CDs that capture the spirit of the ancient Celtic Christian tradition. Here you will find great variety both in terms of composition and instrumentation, with harp, piano, whistles, guitar, bodhran, spoken word and more providing inspiration for your own Celtic journey.
Showing 29 results
Showing 29 results for "Celtic"
- Complete Chants - Margaret RizzaOver three hours of Margaret's simple yet hauntingly beautiful chants. Contents Sanctum Nomen Adoramus Te, Domine Deus Miserere Nobis, Domine O Domine, O Christe Magnificat Benedictus Chant For Instruments Prayer For St Teresa O God, Be Gracious Calm Me, Lord A Blessing All You Nations Veni, ...£19.99 - £26.99
- Her Music For Healing - Margaret RizzaHere we have selected all of Margaret's music with a Healing theme. ContentsIt is the Spirit Keep watch with me Come my way You are the centre Thou art all things Prayer of St Teresa Now is my quiet In God alone Life of Christ, renew me O give thanks to the Lord Rising prayer Calm me, Lord ...£8.33 - £10.99
- Chants For PrayerThe rich, relaxing music of the fifty chants on this 4-CD set will provide over four hours of continuous ambient music. It is ideal for your personal prayer time as well as offering a valuable resource for prayer services by three of the most revered composers of this style of music. ContentsA ...£15.99 - £21.99
- Sacred WeaveKeith Duke has developed a musical language that has its roots in Celtic music and the ancient chants, yet speaks too in the voice of the twenty-first century. He has worked for many years with the priest-poet of Lindisfarne, David Adam, whose texts feature in these wonderful collections. ...£9.99 - £16.99
- Sacred PathwayKeith Duke has developed a musical language that has its roots in Celtic music and the ancient chants, yet speaks too in the voice of the twenty-first century. He has worked for many years with the priest-poet of Lindisfarne, David Adam, whose texts feature in these wonderful collections. ...£9.99 - £16.99
- Celtic Holy Week & EasterCeltic Music from Lindisfarne Contents On the holy cross I see On the breath of the wind (Instrumental) The blessing of the Three (Instrumental) Funeral blessing Desert waters Kyries Come, be with me See him Resurrection song Dance in the Spirit (Instrumental) Praise his holy name/Glory to the ...£8.50 - £10.99
- Across The WaterThe Celtic Music of Keith Duke. Contents Come, Creator Spirit The traveller Invocation to the Creator Open my eyes The love of Christ Across the water (Instrumental) We come De profundis Celtic prayer Christ in quiet The kingdom Seek and you will find Wisdom of the ancients - Air and ...£9.99 - £16.99
- Celtic HarpLet the soothing tones of the harp take you on a journey with these favourite traditional and contemporary hymns and worship songs. ContentsHere is love vast as the ocean I heard the voice of Jesus say Immortal, invisible When I survey the wondrous cross Be thou my vision My heart is filled with ...£9.99 - £10.99
- Keith Duke - His Celtic Music For PianoKeith Duke's music, born on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, is fragranced with holiness and on this new CD which Kevin Duncan performs on the piano to stunning effect. This is gentle, soothing instrumental music - ideal for moments of quiet and prayer. Contents The blessing of the Three You are ...£9.99 - £10.99
- Prayer Chants - Rizza, Duke & NobesThe rich, relaxing style of the chants in this collection will provide hours of continuous ambient music. A valuable resource for prayer services, beautiful and contemplative settings by the three major contemporary composers in this genre: Keith Duke, Geoffrey Nobes and Margaret Rizza. Many of ...£19.99 - £25.99
- Light In Our DarknessLight in Our Darkness is a collection of chants and psalms. All the music is underpinned by prayers of gratitude, of praise, of repentance and reconciliation. Margaret Rizza composes hauntingly beautiful melodies and is now recognised around the world as an icon of all that is holy and best in ...£9.99 - £16.99
- Sacred DanceKeith Duke has developed a musical language that has its roots in Celtic music and the ancient chants, yet speaks too in the voice of the twenty-first century. He has worked for many years with the priest-poet of Lindisfarne, David Adam, whose texts feature in these wonderful collections. ...£9.99 - £16.99
- River of PeaceThis collection of chants, psalms and choral pieces forms a chain of prayer, a river which calls and draws us to strive for that peace which the world cannot give. Margaret's music is wonderfully melodic, often featuring simple, repetitive melodies. It is recognised around the world as an icon ...£14.99 - £16.99
- Songs And Prayers 1Songs And Prayers 1 by Margaret RizzaContentsFountain Of Life Jesus, You Are The Way Come To Me Come, Lord Prayer Of St Patrick The Grail Prayer Enfold Me In Your Love Take My Life, Lord Jesus, Your Heart Is A Womb Thou Art All Things Come, My Way Creator God Hymn Of St Patrick Lord Have Mercy ...£9.99
- Songs & Prayers 2A collection of Margaret's longer compositions, all wonderful and musically satisfying. ContentsA Celtic blessing Come to me Creator God Enfold me in your love Fire of love Fountain of life Jesus, your heart is a womb Life of Christ renew me Lord have mercy (Kyrie) Prayer for peace Prayer of St ...£9.99 - £10.99
- Celtic JourneyRay Simpson invites you to walk the pilgrim way across Lindisfarne, stopping at five pilgrim posts and letting them become landmarks of Celtic spirituality which speak to modern people, enabling you to discover its rich treasures afresh. The journey is punctuated by the haunting Celtic music of ...£9.99 - £13.99
- Celtic BlessingCeltic Music from Lindisfarne. Contents Cadfan's blessing (Instrumental) Christ be near Traveller's prayer The blessing of the Three (Instrumental) Evening dedication (Here are my thoughts, Lord) The Irish blessing (May the road rise with you) Be still Deep peace Funeral blessing I arise Let ...£9.99 - £10.99
- Celtic ChantsCeltic Music from Lindisfarne ContentsCome, be with me Here am I, Lord Maranatha - come, Lord Jesus You, Lord, are in this place Traveller's prayer I will tread the earth lightly Circle me, Lord Christ before me See him Come, Holy Dove Kyries Saviour of my soul The love of God/The gate of glory ...£8.50 - £10.99
- The New Dawn - CDThe New Dawn offers some slightly more up-tempo compositions with a Celtic feel, plus new tracks in the contemplative style that has made Margaret's music so popular. Margaret Rizza composes hauntingly beautiful melodies and is now recognised around the world as an icon of all that is holy and ...£9.99 - £16.99
- Celtic WorshipFavourite hymns and songs played in the authentic sound of the Isles. ContentsAmazing grace Come thou fount of every blessing Be thou my vision Alleluia, sing to Jesus Breathe on me, Breath of God Jesus Saviour, pilot me The wild goose Brightest and best (Morning star) How deep the Father's love ...£14.99 - £16.99
- Celtic LandscapesImmerse yourself in the beautiful Celtic soundscapes of our calming, restful music compilation. Perfect for prayer and contemplation, let gentle instrumentation and over an hour of continuous music wash over you! Experience the magic of Celtic Landscapes. Celtic Landscape by Kevin Duncan ...£7.99 - £10.99