Lent & Easter CDs
Showing 13 results
Showing 13 results for "Lent & Easter CDs"
- Margaret Rizza Music For Lent & Holy WeekHere we have selected all of Margaret's wonderful compositions for Lent and Easter. ContentsCome, Lord Come to me Exaudi nos, Domine Calm me, Lord Lord have mercy (Kyrie) Jesus, you are the way Keep watch with me O Domine, O Christe Gethsemane Kyrie, eleison O Lord listen to my prayer Silent, ...£8.50 - £10.99
- Just Organ Lent & Easter HymnsOur outstanding organ accompaniment tracks are also available in single CD volumes offering the most requested hymns. Each includes a booklet containing the words to all hymns. ContentsAlleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord All glory, laud and honour All you who seek a comfort sure At ...£11.99 - £13.99
- No Organist? No Problem! Catholic Hymns-Seasonal CDThe 3 high-quality ready-to-use CDs offer a range of 60 popular hymns: traditional hymns have an organ accompaniment, modern hymns are accompanied by music group instruments. ContentsAlleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks To The Risen Lord All You Who Seek A Comfort Sure At The Cross Her Station ...£21.99
- No Organist? No Problem? Lent, Holy Week & EasterThe season of Lent, Holy Week and Easter is one of reflection and renewal, but do you want your congregation to be reflecting on the fact you haven't got an organist to accompany them while they're singing? No problem! This 3 CD set contains 75 hymn and worship song accompaniments for this ...£14.99 - £32.99
- Just Instruments Lent & Easter SongsSing, worship, listen and enjoy! Featuring 22 selected Lent and Easter songs from the No Music Group? No Problem! series. Full texts are included. ContentsAt your feet we fall Broken for me Come and see (We worship at your feet) For this purpose From heaven you came (The Servant King) ...£11.99 - £13.99
- Passing The TestPassing The Test is a lent course based on the Church's ancient tradition of prayer and reading scripture called 'Lectio Divina' or 'Holy Reading'. It is a course which helps us to reach our full potential and move towards being the people God calls us to be. The CD contains David's spoken words ...£11.99 - £13.99
- No Ordinary Story: Holy Week & EasterWhat must it have felt like to be alongside Jesus as crowds welcomed him into Jerusalem, as he agonised in Gethsemane, as he suffered on the cross, or as he greeted his followers following his resurrection? On this 2 CD set - through readings, music and a selection of his meditations - Nick ...£11.99 - £13.99
- Music For Lent Holy Week And EasterA 2-CD boxset containing 35 pieces chosen to enhance your prayers at this precious time of year. Whether for personal devotion or sharing with your church community, this timeless collection is available to buy as a CD or download Contents Disc 1 O Lord, listen to my prayer - Rizza Kyries - ...£19.99 - £21.99
- Songs For Acorns - 8x CD SetThese high-quality ready-to-use CDs contain both a full-vocal demonstration as well as a backing track only of every song in Songs for Acorns.See the joy on the children's faces as you play them over the church PA system or simply on a CD player.And their singing will improve too!Vocals by Lucy ...£54.99
- The Complete Church Resource CD SetThe Complete Church Resource contains backing tracks and service music from all of our famous No Problem, No Music Group and No Service Music CD box sets - an amazing 204 in all. There is music suitable for church services throughout the year, ranging from weddings and funerals to Lent and ...£109.99
- Our Singing School - Songs For Special OccasionsThese songs are perfect for classroom sing-alongs or an assembly. Whether it be someone's birthday or a harvest festival,Our Singing School - Songs for Special Occasions supplies backing tracks to suit the occasion. Words to every song are included on the CD-ROM. Contents Birthdays and ...£87.99
- Reflective Music For Lent And EasterFeaturing Margaret Rizza, Keith Duke and Geoffrey Nobes, to name but a few, this soothing CD can be used to support prayer, during quiet time or for personal reflection. Contents1 Christ yesterday and today - Geoffrey Nobes 2 On the holy cross I see - Keith Duke 3 Here is love, vast as the ocean ...£8.50 - £10.99
- Tasting LifeChristians have often found that practising the physical discipline of limiting what and when they eat also deepens their spiritual awareness of God.This 3-Album set is designed to sensitise listeners in a similar way, helping them to make God a daily reality and experience a closer relationship ...£19.99