Christian Based Depression Resources from Kevin Mayhew featuring resources to support and guide us in the midst of depression. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
Showing 13 results
Showing 13 results for "Depression"
- Still, Still With Theeby Nick Fawcett Transform your prayer life with 365 days of inspiration and guidance. Struggling with your prayer life? Your daily devotions stuck in a bit of rut? Or are you simply looking for new ways in which to deepen your relationship with God? Either way, this is the resource for you: a ...Featured£12.99 - £14.99
- Praying Without PretenceIf you find prayer a struggle sometimes, unsure of what to say or how to say it, this is the book for you. For everyone, praying can occasionally seem more of a burden than a blessing. We assume there’s a right way of doing it, certain words we ought to use, an approach we must adhere to. In ...Featured£8.99 - £9.99
- The Prison LettersFrom Matt McChlery Paul's third missionary journey ended in Jerusalem, where he encountered an angry and violent mob who almost killed him. His life was saved by some Roman soldiers who arrested him and he ultimately ended up in prison in Rome where he awaited trial as a Roman citizen. His ...Featured£8.99 - £9.99
- Prayers for Peace and FriendshipFrom Gaynor Cobb With verses from the Bible as the starting point, Gaynor Cobb reflects on the worldwide message of love and friendship sent by Jesus Christ through his disciples. Inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 16 for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, ...Featured£8.99 - £9.99
- Where Is God In DepressionYour journey through depression or anxiety with Patrick Coghlan This imaginatively written & easy - to - read book looks at depression and anxiety and discovers where God is in it all and includes a variety of user-friendly resources, as well as some creative ideas for drawing closer to ...£12.99
- Creating Church At Home - For People Living With Anxiety & DepressionFor people living with anxiety or depression 'Creating 'Church' At Home' is focused on people who find it difficult to leave their homes due to anxiety or depression; and as a result are no longer able to get out to church activities or Bible studies. It can be used as a personal resource or ...£12.99
- Rooted in GodMaybe you have reached a point in your spiritual life where you are beginning to feel tired, stressed, discouraged, lacking motivation, and possibly even distant from God. You might be feeling completely wrung out. Perhaps the busyness of life is placing pressure on you, preventing you from ...£8.99 - £10.99
- Keeping Fit In Mind & SpiritOut of the experience of the pandemic comes this book by popular author John Cox to help us keep spiritually healthy. Times of crisis and difficulty can mean we neglect our own well-being and just as our physical health needs feeding and exercise so too do our spirits. These 28 reflections ...FeaturedNew£6.99
- Seeking The WayThemed quiet days for those of all faiths and none - by Nick Fawcett In our restless modern world, in which many seem as troubled and stressed as they have ever been, we need to make time to be still, to commune with something beyond ourselves. This book aims to help in enabling just that, ...Featured£12.99 - £14.99
- The Life ShopFrom Margaret McAllisterBuyer beware! The price of a bargain may be higher than you think.Everyone is thrilled by The Life Shop. It sells everything - from cat baskets to cruises to career plans - and all a great price. Lorna alone cannot understand why her friends, neighbours and even her ...Featured£5.99 - £7.99
- Confident MeFrom Nikki Salt & Sarah Scrase-Hollamby A guide for young people to help them grow in confidence as they navigate the sometimes perilous journey into adulthood. Packed with true stories, shared experiences and simple tools to help teens scramble out of life’s quagmires and walk confidently ...Featured£5.99£7.99
- The Dangerous Dance of Emma JJFrom Annie Try Discover a powerful story of resilience and faith. Em's journey through life in care and the aftermath of traumatic memories leads her on a quest for normality, including uncovering family secrets. But the truth she discovers tests everything she holds dear - her passion for ...Featured£8.99 - £9.99
- Hope For AdventAn advent course from Susan Sayers Advent is a season in its own right. It's also the start of the entire Christian year. So how can we best honour it? We honour it by using it! It is the season which marks the start of the Christian year, so this is our opportunity to reflect on who on ...Featured£6.99 - £7.99