School & Church Teaching
School & Church Teaching from Kevin Mayhew featuring bestselling books by your favourite authors. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
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Showing 443 results for "School & Church Teaching"
- Living Stones - Year CLiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer. Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- The Complete Children's Liturgy BookHere is an all-embracing, child-centred liturgical programme which faithfully follows the Lectionary. The inspirational teaching ideas are the result of Katie Thompson's long experience within her own parish, during which the material was tested and refined. Photocopiable worksheets accompany ...£32.99
- 101 Creative Prayer IdeasMarble-run prayers, milkshake prayers, paper boat prayers and teapot prayers – there's something for everyone in this fun, thought-provoking and creative book. With a focus on peace, respect, care for others, and the world around us. The prayer ideas are grouped into five themes: • Saying ...£13.99
- Liturgy of the Word with ChildrenHere you will find a complete but flexible scheme for celebrating the Liturgy of the Word for every Sunday of the three-year cycle. Each of the 163 sessions is packed full of ideas, readings, songs, prayers and photocopiable activities that encourage young people in a way that is real and ...£32.99
- My LentMy Lent is the ideal way to introduce children to the themes of the season. Featuring beautiful full-colour illustrations and easy-to-read texts, from the authors behind our bestselling children's bible My Bible.£6.99
- Staying CloseA Lent Course exploring intimacy with God. This study course explores how we might grow closer to God in and through various aspects of our ordinary daily life. Each session includes reflection on a Bible passage, discussion questions, stories, illustrations, activities, prayers and suggestions ...£8.99
- No Pianist For Assembly? No Problem!Key Stage 1 - 3 This eight-CD set provides appropriate backing to over 160 of the most popular hymns and worship songs in use in assembly today, with many different instruments and percussion. Contents Abba, Father, let me be All creatures of our God and King Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to ...£89.99 - £109.99
- Top 20 Assembly Hymns & SongsHere are instrumental accompaniments for twenty pop assembly songs. Just put the CD in your player and sing, pray, listen and enjoy. Contents All things bright and beautiful Autumn days when the grass is jewelled Colours of day (Light up the fire) From the tiny ant Give me joy in my heart (Sing ...£8.50 - £8.99
- Living Stones - Year ALiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer. Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- Pray Together Book (Everyday Assemblies For Catholic Schools) 2 Book SetPray Together provides ready-made acts of worship linking children's prayer to the universal Church which can be used with little or no preparation. An invaluable classroom resource, it follows Prayer of the Church and features child-friendly versions of Scripture. The format of each daily ...£65.99
- 50 ETP Children's Favourite Hymns & SongsA collection of fifty favourite hymns and songs for children, scored for piano and keyboard, grades 1 and 2. Songs include: Colours of day Give me joy in my heart I, the Lord of sea and sky Kum ba yah Lord, the light of your love Morning has broken One more step along the world I go The Spirit ...£13.99
- Teenage Girl's Sex And Relationships Survival GuideLife is tough enough if you're a teenager! You've got all the problems of growing up and making decisions. Then there's all the pressure, education, information, rumours, boasting and stress about getting into sex and relationships. You may be one of many people who say they haven't learned much ...£9.99
- Young Person's Quick Guide to LeadershipAn essential resource for schools, uniformed organisations and sports clubs Every year thousands of young people are appointed as head boys and girls, prefects and team captains. Much is expected of them but often with little or no training. This informative, interactive and accessible guide is ...£5.99 - £6.99
- No Organist? No Problem! Sixty Children's Worship SongsContains all the words to the sixty favourite, modern-day worship songs on the CDs: an essential resource booklet for all churches.ContentsAbba, Father, let me be Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord Autumn days Be bold, be strong Be still, for the presence of the Lord Bind us ...£7.99
- Just Instrumental Hymns And Songs For Children 1Twenty instrumental backing tracks for hymns and songs that children love to sing-along to, with words included in the booklet. ContentsGive me joy in my heart Have you heard the raindrops He's got the whole world in his hands I danced in the morning If I were a butterfly I'm accepted, I'm ...£10.99
- Sing-Along Praise & Worship For ChildrenGreat backing tracks for many of the most popular praise and worship songs. ContentsAs for me and my house Don't build your house Faith as small as a mustard seed Give me joy in my heart God moves me! Whoopah, wahey! God's not dead God's people He's got the whole world in his hands I may live in ...£6.99 - £7.99
- Living Stones - Year BLiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer, Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- Pick Up & Run AssembliesKey Stage 1 - 2 Designed to have maximum impact on the children and minimum impact on your time-pressured working day, these sessions, delivered in a succinct, punchy, child friendly style, have everything you need. Down-to-earth messages are linked with everyday objects and a Christian theme. ...£14.99
- Pick Up And Run Assemblies 2Key Stage 1 - 2 Designed to have maximum impact on the children and minimum impact on your time-pressured working day, these sessions, delivered in a succinct, punchy, child friendly style, have everything you need. Down-to-earth messages are linked with everyday objects. Contents• New Year • ...£14.99