Palm Crosses & Ash
Showing 3 results
Showing 3 results for "Palm Crosses & Ash"
- African Palm Crosses 10" x 5 3/4" - Pack of 50Pack of 50 handmade African Palm Crosses. The Palm crosses are made in eight villages in the Masasi area of southern Tanzania, these being Mpeta, Namikunda, Mulndelunde, Murmbarka, Machombei, Chivirikiti, Makanyama and Marika. African Palm crosses are made from Dwarf Palms Hyphaena Coriacea ...£9.99
- Palm Ash - Sachet3g Single sachet of grey palm ash For use with Approx 20 people£3.99
- Palm Ash - Tub44g tub of grey palm ash For use with approx. 500 people£33.99