Advent Small Group Studies
Showing 17 results
Showing 17 results for "Advent Small Group Studies"
- Looking & LongingLooking and Longing is a weekly course for groups, looking at characters from the Old and New Testaments. It covers not only Advent but also the Christmas season to Epiphany. It aims to help us to open our blinded eyes and see, to open our ears to God's call, and to open our hearts to his love.£8.99
- Journeying With The MagiThis Advent group study course in five parts focuses on our inner journey through Advent. Each session has a time for worship, silence, discussion, music or drama, and inspirational readings, prayers and liturgies from the Celtic tradition, on the theme of spiritual journeying.ContentsThe ...£7.99 - £8.99
- Candles In The DarkA course to lead us into a deeper awareness of the ever-present God. There are times in our lives when we struggle against the darkness, seeking to disperse the gloom. Advent comes at the darkest time of the year when the nights are longest. It is about the coming of Christ, the Light of the ...£7.99 - £8.99
- The Echo of GodOne of the desert fathers once said 'Joy is the echo of God's life in us.' This six-week course aims to celebrate the joy of knowing that everything we do - even the problems and trials we face - is transformed by our awareness that God loves us and comes to us. Each week from Advent to Epiphany ...£8.99 - £9.99
- They SangHave you ever wished the world was more like a musical, with characters bursting into song at the slightest provocation? In the nativity story, there are four sudden, Spirit-filled songs from the heart, and they're all still used in the rhythm of liturgy: Zechariah's song (the Benedictus) ...£5.99 - £6.99
- Promises PromisesPromises, Promises is an eight-week course of exploration and reflection on the meaning and message of two of the most important seasons in the Christian calendar. Each session includes prayers, Bible readings, reflections, discussion questions, meditations, suggestions for further reading, and ...£8.99
- Thy Kingdom ComeUnusually, this five-session course for Advent begins with the last Sunday of the 'old' Church year, the Feast of Christ the King. Thereafter the theme is taken up in the Lectionary readings for the four Sundays of Advent, and is explored in depth. There are readings, comments, prayers and ...£8.99
- Ready For Christmas?Ready for Christmas? Is a four-week group study course that examines the major themes of Advent and relates them to our Christian preparations for Christmas, in the context of the commercial values of a largely secular society.£8.99
- Ready And WaitingOne theme dominates Advent - waiting. Just as God's people of old waited for the day of the Messiah, so we wait for the return of Christ in fulfilment of God's purpose. Beginning and ending each session with passages of Scripture, Nick Fawcett has included hypothetical scenarios that bring each ...£7.99 - £8.99
- Follow That StarHere's a fact: you are, believe it or not, created from stardust. Such knowledge is as awe-inspiring as it is almost impossible to grasp. Much like what happened on that first Christmas. Follow That Star is the perfect Advent resource for anyone who wants to challenge their thinking, exercise ...£8.99
- Forgiving And ForgettingChristmas is a time for giving, getting, forgiving and forgetting. Each of these themes is explored through readings, prayers, activities, comments, sayings, discussion points and hypothetical scenarios reflecting everyday life. Contents Session 1: A time for giving •Giving happiness •Giving to ...£8.99
- Reflections In The BaubleAs you journey through the period of Advent and prepare to celebrate Christmas Day, do the decorations on the tree reflect a house of peace and joy or are they more likely to reflect the stress and turmoil that often surrounds this time? This course will be addressing some of the concerns that ...£9.99 - £10.99
- Light to the NationsAn Advent course based on the prophecies of IsaiahThe journey from darkness to light is upheld in the season of Advent - set in the Church's calendar in the dark winter days that look forward to and long for the coming of Christ, the light of the world.It is Christ, amidst the darkness of world ...£9.99
- God SpeakingCommunication is one of the most high-profile features of our modern life. There have never been so many ways of being in touch. The technological media for communication are becoming ever more sophisticated, 'smart' and widely available. But they can be a mixed blessing. Advent is an opportune ...£10.99
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel - An Advent CourseBased on the traditional hymn 'O come, O come Emmanuel', John Cox's Advent course provides the opportunity for a reality check: the reality of who we are and what our world is, the reality of our hopes and fears. It encourages us to look afresh at the reality of Jesus, the One who comes and ask ...£10.99
- Footsteps To BethlehemFootsteps to Bethlehem is a series of 31 daily reflections for Advent, inviting you to journey towards Christmas on a pilgrimage of transformation. Each day looks at the life of individual Bible characters, such as Mary and Joseph, Zechariah and Elizabeth, and reflects on how they coped with ...£7.99
- Responding To The Image Of GodAn Advent study course... Responding to the Image of God has seven sessions which may be used during Advent itself or during the period leading up to Advent and into the Christmas Season. Although aimed primarily at helping small groups to focus on God's words during Advent, this book could also ...£8.99