Christian Books
A selection of Books and Resources from UK publisher Kevin Mayhew. Choose from 1000s of titles in stock for dispatch today, great offers & low prices.
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Showing 1086 results for "Christian Books"
- Falling Back On GodThe Psalms have much to say on the important issue of trust and this study will take you through five themes with readings from the Psalms. There are also opportunities for discussion and meditation. Ideal for small groups or individual study. Contents Using extracts from the Psalms, Falling ...£3.99
- Living Stones - Year CLiving Stones is the complete and inspiring all-age, all-stage resource designed to help make the most of Common Worship. Written by the country's leading liturgical writer. Susan Sayers, the Complete Resource Book explores the texts appointed for the Principle Service each week and includes ...£13.99 - £24.99
- Prayers For All Seasons - Book 1Prayers For All Seasons is a comprehensive prayer resource for public worship. In three sections, The Christian Life, Life and Faith and Ordinary Sundays, there are prayers for every situation - prayers of petition, praise, thanksgiving, confession and intercession, offertory and communion ...£27.99 - £30.99
- Decisions DecisionsExploring different aspects of life's decisions through Bible passages and personal experiences, the five weekly sessions in this study course include prayers, activities, discussion questions, meditations, suggestions for further reading and ideas for action. Intended for small groups, but also ...£8.99
- Stop & StareEver-popular Nick Fawcett presents here, not a study course, but rather a tool for reflection. After an opening prayer, an introduction, readings and points for discussion, each weekly session contains poems, prayers, proverbs - and equally important, periods of silence - all designed to ...£8.99
- Prayers For All Seasons Book 2Prayers for All Seasons Book 2 is a rich and versatile collection of prayers designed to accompany the Christian journey throughout the year. Following the first volume, this second volume offers fresh, thoughtful, and inspiring prayers for use in personal devotion and public worship. Organised ...£27.99 - £30.99
- The Complete Children's Liturgy BookHere is an all-embracing, child-centred liturgical programme which faithfully follows the Lectionary. The inspirational teaching ideas are the result of Katie Thompson's long experience within her own parish, during which the material was tested and refined. Photocopiable worksheets accompany ...£32.99
- By His WoundsLife is full of opportunities and Lent is a season of great opportunity. This Lenten study course offers just that: an opportunity to reappraise the meaning of the sacrifice of Calvary. Over the five weeks of Lent, Tony Castle examines the symbols of the cross and crucifix, the concepts of love, ...£8.99
- Spot The DifferenceWhat difference does being a Christian make to your life and what difference should it make? In this group study course, prolific author Nick Fawcett considers five ways in which Christian commitment should manifest itself: in a quality of love, allegiance to Christ and a spontaneity of witness, ...£7.99 - £8.99
- Earlybird & NightfulnessEarlybird and Nightfulness by Dan Pierce is a captivating collection of poetry and prayers designed to frame the beginning and end of your day with reflection and serenity. Dan's rich experiences as an Anglican priest and his deep faith resonate through every page of this book, making it a ...New£8.99 - £9.99
- A Letter For LentBased on the Apostle Paul's letter to the Colossians, A Letter for Lent is an easy-to-follow, off-the-page, six-session group Bible study course. At the back there is also a short, personal Bible study for Monday to Friday of Holy Week, looking at the story of Onesimus in Paul's letter to ...£5.99 - £6.99
- Come & SeeA group Lent course in seven parts that seeks to help us improve our vision, the way we look at the world, each other and our God. David Adam, author of many inspiring books on spirituality and prayer, invites us to spend time in the presence of the living Lord and abide in his love. The ...£9.99
- Common Worship Prayers of Intercession - Susan SayersJam-packed with fresh ideas...From the country's most trusted, consistent and popular writer on prayer and worship, Susan Sayers, here are Prayers of Intercession for Common Worship.Packed with intercessions for every Sunday of Common Worship in a simple, easy-to-use format with heaps of useful ...£27.99 - £38.99
- Searchlights - Year CA practical and comprehensive programme for Common Worship, Searchlights provides an abundance of inspirational worship ideas for all members of the church community, young and old alike, nurturing them individually and as a congregation into a loving and living relationship with God.The ...£3.99 - £24.99
- EncounteredBestselling author Claire Benton-Evans explores the ordinary places of the Easter story in which the extraordinary events of Jesus' life, death and resurrection occurred. The five sessions and accompanying meditations will lead you to examine the reality of these places and engage with the ...£9.99 - £10.99
- Prayers of PreparationVestry prayers are an important part of worship, offering the opportunity to focus people's thoughts upon God so that they are better prepared to hear his word, glimpse his presence, and offer their response with body, mind and soul. Prayers of Preparation includes a short preparatory prayer ...£14.99
- Your Confirmation In The Anglican ChurchConfirmation is a vital step in our life-long journey with Christ, so it is important to consider what confirmation means and how it will affect the rest of our lives. This illustrated and colourful book provides those considering confirmation with questions and thoughts to consider as they ...£4.99 - £5.99
- Wild LentDiscovering God Through Creation Wild Lent will change how we all experience and think about Lent. How? Simple! Instead of a nice cosy room, coffee, biscuits and lots of discussion about the meaning of Lent, you'll be wrapping up warm and heading off into the wilds! It's time to get up close ...£7.99 - £8.99
- God In The GardenA year of weekly Bible reflections that follow the seasons and changes of the gardener's year. The perfect gift for gardener's, organic food growers, families with allotments and fans of our Wild Worship series. Philip's weekly devotions help to encourage consistent devotional time - outside ...£14.99
- Easter SwallowsThis beautiful Easter book tells the story of some swallows building a nest near the tomb where Jesus was buried. It makes a wonderful introduction to the Easter story for young children, telling of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey through to his resurrection. Perfect for ages 3-7 ...£6.99
- The Confirmation ExperienceThe Confirmation Experience aims to celebrate Confirmation in a way that grows a healthy community of Christians. Using the image of a journey, there are twelve very varied events rather than a course of study, in which all candidates take part together, along with other members of the church ...£6.99 - £18.99