Showing 27 results
Showing 27 results for "Remembrance"
- Prayers For All Seasons - Book 1Prayers For All Seasons is a comprehensive prayer resource for public worship. In three sections, The Christian Life, Life and Faith and Ordinary Sundays, there are prayers for every situation - prayers of petition, praise, thanksgiving, confession and intercession, offertory and communion ...£27.99 - £30.99
- Prayers For All Seasons Book 2Prayers for All Seasons Book 2 is a rich and versatile collection of prayers designed to accompany the Christian journey throughout the year. Following the first volume, this second volume offers fresh, thoughtful, and inspiring prayers for use in personal devotion and public worship. Organised ...£27.99 - £30.99
- Short Prayers For Public WorshipA welcome resource of over 500 short prayers, designed to be read aloud in acts of worship, written in straightforward, everyday language. Prayers cover times of day, seasons of the Christian year and big issues like peace, evil and the kingdom of God, as well as more personal themes.£16.99
- Liturgies From LindisfarneLiturgies from Lindisfarne is a daily worship book for individuals, new monastic groups and churches. It reconnects the world with the seasons and the soil, the saints and the streets, the struggles, senses and silence as well as the Spirit and the Scriptures. It provides many and varied prayers ...£24.99 - £32.99
- Reflective Services For Special SundaysHere is an invaluable resource for any preacher. There is a service for Mothering Sunday, the week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Christian Aid Week, Father's Day and One World week, and two services each for Church Anniversary, Harvest, All Saints' Day and Remembrance Sunday. All comprise ...£21.99
- Chants For PrayerThe rich, relaxing music of the fifty chants on this 4-CD set will provide over four hours of continuous ambient music. It is ideal for your personal prayer time as well as offering a valuable resource for prayer services by three of the most revered composers of this style of music. ContentsA ...£15.99 - £21.99
- All-Sorts Worship Year CYou can't turn a service into an all-age worship service just by throwing in a children's sermon and an action song. All-sorts Worship contains complete services for every Sunday of Year C, which are designed to include people of 'all sorts and conditions of life', meaning that the whole ...£32.99
- RequiemThis is a sensuous setting of the Latin text of the Requiem Mass, now in its fourth printing.Malcolm Archer is a master of the choral idiom, writing marvellous melodies which lodge in the memory. His Requiem is scored for chorus, soloists and organ, and provides some 40 minutes of fine ...£12.99
- Music For Reflective PrayerOver three hours of gentle classical and worship melodies on three CDs. Perfect for accompanying reflective prayer, the soft spiritual music will enrich your spirituality. ContentsA blessing - Margaret Rizza Adagio for strings - Barber Adagio from Concerto for Flute in D minor - G. P. Telemann ...£16.99 - £21.99
- One For All 3One for All 3 presents complete services for every Sunday of the year. They are designed to include everyone, which means that the whole congregation worships together and nobody is tidied away.Each service offers a completely fresh set of ideas, tailored to a specific theme:• Lively Bible ...£32.99
- Requiem Of HopeColin Mawby's Requiem of Hope is a distinguished, mature work, displaying this composer's immediately recognisable style at its most approachable and impassioned. Mawby uses the texts of the traditional Latin Requiem Mass but adds three English texts - a blessing by an unknown author and one ...£10.99
- RequiemMalcolm Archer's Requiem has long taken its place in popularity alongside those by FaurÁ and DuruflÁ. Here it is re-issued with a generous selection of the composer's fine anthems.£9.99 - £10.99
- Reflective Prayer DVDAn amazing collection of beautiful images, soft spiritual music and reflective prayer text. Perfect to inspire, uplift and enhance your prayer.£16.99
- SerenityOn this CD is a collection of hymns, songs and worship music, delicately played on solo piano. His relaxed style has helped produce an album that is easy on the ear and is ideal for calming the stresses of the day. ContentsVeni, Lumen Cordium When the music fades To a wild rose I watch the ...£10.50 - £10.99
- Sunday By SundayKen Taylor offers two fresh collections of meditations and prayers for the Gospel readings for the whole year: Volume One covering the Sundays between Advent and Trinity, and Volume Two covering the other half of the year;. Both are suitable for use with any three-year Lectionary.£17.99
- Selected Prayers For Public WorshipA resource of 500 selected prayers designed to be read aloud in acts of worship. Prayers cover times of day, seasons of the Christian year and big issues such as peace, evil, and the kingdom of God, as well as more personal themes like strength in weakness, hope and despair, guidance and ...£29.99
- War No MoreWar No More aims to convince people that wars are not inevitable and that conflicts - national and international - can and must be solved in other ways if the human race is to survive. The accompanying booklet discusses some of the major issues raised by the film. War No More is ideal for parish ...£9.99
- Peace PeoplePeace People is for educators who want to challenge a common assumption among many young people that there is nothing they can do to change the world. There are ten biographical profiles of peacemakers supported by six activity worksheets that offer reflection points, scripture readings, ...£16.99
- All-Sorts Worship Year AYou can't turn a Eucharist into an all-age worship service just by throwing in a children's sermon and an action song. All-sorts Worship contains complete services for every Sunday of Common Worship Year A, which are designed to include people of 'all sorts and conditions of life', meaning that ...£32.99
- All-Sorts Worship Year BYou can't turn a Eucharist into an all-age worship service just by throwing in a children's sermon and an action song. All-sorts Worship contains complete services for every Sunday of Common Worship Year B, which are designed to include people of 'all sorts and conditions of life', meaning that ...£32.99
- Remember War, Make PeaceBravery does not belong to one flag. This resource book provides prayers, reflections, songs and services for Remembrance Sunday with a global perspective in which all casualties of war are remembered. Much of the material originates from the Movement for the Abolition of War and aims to honour ...£14.99