Faith Based Leadership Resources from Kevin Mayhew featuring bestselling resources by your favourite authors. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
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Showing 9 results for "Leadership"
- Young Person's Quick Guide to LeadershipAn essential resource for schools, uniformed organisations and sports clubs Every year thousands of young people are appointed as head boys and girls, prefects and team captains. Much is expected of them but often with little or no training. This informative, interactive and accessible guide is ...£5.99 - £6.99
- How To Plan And Lead Your Own Collective WorshipAccompanying downloads with PowerPoint presentation and many other resources.This book is aimed at Catholic schools and provides a step-by-step guide for children and young people to help them plan and lead their own collective worship. Written so that it can be used independently by upper Key ...£21.99
- Praying Without PretenceIf you find prayer a struggle sometimes, unsure of what to say or how to say it, this is the book for you. For everyone, praying can occasionally seem more of a burden than a blessing. We assume there’s a right way of doing it, certain words we ought to use, an approach we must adhere to. In ...Featured£8.99 - £9.99
- Journey Together Towards ReconciliationThese books are designed for catechists and priests working with parents whose children are preparing to celebrate these important Sacraments. Structured meeting plans provide parents with the skills to fully support their children and there is also help on planning the venue and preparing the ...£13.99
- Sexual Issues Understanding And Advising In A Christian ContextThis important book provides information and advice to priests, ministers, pastoral workers and others in positions of leadership who need to be well-informed when helping people in their care. It addresses 15 issues which daily impact the life of the Church, including: Homosexuality ...£38.99
- The Helplessness of GodMany people are uncomfortable with the way in which leadership has been exercised within Christianity, and in this book Nicholas King looks at what the Bible tells us about the exercise of authority. The message is that human beings, with the exception of Jesus, always get it wrong, unless they ...£16.99
- It's Not Your Fault You're StressedDo you ever feel it's all got a bit too much? No matter how hard you work, you feel you haven't done enough and it's your fault? Anyone in a position of leadership is likely to have felt like this at some time. If the feelings persist and become worse, pressure can lead to stress, breakdown and ...£10.99
- Leading For A ChangeLeading for a Change' offers practical advice and insights, and explores issues such as: *Why the leader needs to be a navigator and interpreter. *How growth and success can knock you off-track. *How to apply insights from business in the church and other voluntary settings. *What happens when ...£14.99
- Lift Off! - Leadership skills for 7-12 year oldsA brief guide to help young people who are given leadership roles. Ideal for children of junior school age. This informative, interactive and accessible guide is packed with advice, scenarios and practical toolkits on communication, running meetings and conflict resolution. An essential ...£6.99