Intercessions Resources from Kevin Mayhew featuring bestselling books by Nick Fawcett. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
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Showing 27 results for "Intercessions"
- Prayers For All Seasons - Book 1Prayers For All Seasons is a comprehensive prayer resource for public worship. In three sections, The Christian Life, Life and Faith and Ordinary Sundays, there are prayers for every situation - prayers of petition, praise, thanksgiving, confession and intercession, offertory and communion ...£27.99 - £30.99
- Prayers For All Seasons Book 2Prayers for All Seasons Book 2 is a rich and versatile collection of prayers designed to accompany the Christian journey throughout the year. Following the first volume, this second volume offers fresh, thoughtful, and inspiring prayers for use in personal devotion and public worship. Organised ...£27.99 - £30.99
- Common Worship Prayers of Intercession - Susan SayersJam-packed with fresh ideas...From the country's most trusted, consistent and popular writer on prayer and worship, Susan Sayers, here are Prayers of Intercession for Common Worship.Packed with intercessions for every Sunday of Common Worship in a simple, easy-to-use format with heaps of useful ...£27.99 - £38.99
- Prayers Of Intercession - Common WorshipIt is a privilege to lead intercessions in church on a Sunday and at the great Christian festivals. It can also be daunting. David Adam here brings his fresh wording to enrich the intercessions at your church, with prayers that can be used as they are or adjusted to suit your local situation. ...£32.99
- Complete Collected IntercessionsTogether in one book for the first time, here are all the intercessions Nick Fawcett has written over the years, many of them revised and amplified. Covering not only the Christian seasons, Church year and other special services, but also a huge range of themes concerning society, the world and ...£27.99
- Intercessions For A Hurting WorldIn a hurting world that needs praying for more than ever, Nick Fawcett provides a new collection of a hundred jargon-free prayers to meet that need. Avoiding religious jargon and using instead, language that speaks to all, he provides an invaluable resource for those leading intercessions in ...£14.99
- Short Prayers For Public WorshipA welcome resource of over 500 short prayers, designed to be read aloud in acts of worship, written in straightforward, everyday language. Prayers cover times of day, seasons of the Christian year and big issues like peace, evil and the kingdom of God, as well as more personal themes.£16.99
- More Selected Prayers For Public WorshipFollowing on from the popularity of Selected Prayers for Public Worship, these short, simple but meaningful prayers have one thing in common: they afford a way of concisely yet sincerely consecrating life and worship to God. Arranged under key themes for ease of use, these prayers cover numerous ...£24.99
- Complete Themed IntercessionsThis fabulous resource brings together an incredible 180 intercessions that are suitable for church worship, smaller gatherings and individual devotion. Most follow a simple structure: we pray in turn for the Church and world, families and friends, the sick and suffering, and the departed. The ...£32.99
- 1000 Prayers For Public WorshipDavid Adam's writing on prayer and spirituality is loved the world over. In this book, we have gathered 1000 of his finest prayers and arranged them thematically for the key seasons of the Church year and all areas of Christian life. The result is an invaluable resource for those who prepare ...£24.99 - £27.99
- Over 150 Themed IntercessionsIn his first letter to Timothy, Paul urges that supplications, prayers and intercessions be made for all people everywhere. This new collection of intercessions is intended for use by members of the congregation, although the presiding minister may introduce and end them. The texts ask for us to ...£24.99 - £27.99
- Sunday IntercessionsThese prayers will enrich the intercessions at your church, used as they are or adjusted to suit your local situation. The book follows the readings from the Common Worship Lectionary, and provides intercessions for each Sunday in the Christian Calendar, for Years A, B and C. The prayers are ...£36.99 - £43.99
- More Short Prayers For Public WorshipThis collection of punchy prayers is designed to help those leading acts of worship - whether in church, schools, house groups, youth clubs or midweek meetings - to pray simply but effectively on behalf of those present. As well as providing material for the Christian seasons and other events ...£20.99
- Intercessions For The Church YearSurely one of the fundamental duties and joys of being Christians is to bear one another's burdens in prayer, and come in the Spirit of Christ before God our Father, as we plead for the Church and for the world.Such prayer must involve both the mind and the imagination. To pray effectively we ...£12.99
- Prayers For A New DayNew Cover For 2015'Prayer must be the most exposed and vulnerable form of writing,' says Graham Jeffery. 'For while poetry evokes the world or the human spirit, prayer has to wrestle with the difficulty of being human.' In four sections - contemplation of the Gospels, prayers for the Eucharist, ...£14.99
- Selected Prayers For Public WorshipA resource of 500 selected prayers designed to be read aloud in acts of worship. Prayers cover times of day, seasons of the Christian year and big issues such as peace, evil, and the kingdom of God, as well as more personal themes like strength in weakness, hope and despair, guidance and ...£29.99
- 60 Themed IntercessionsDavid Adam is much admired for his succinct yet thoroughly inspiring intercessions. Arranged in themed sections and with a handy topical index, these intercessions, extracted from Searchlights, are suitable for church worship, smaller gatherings or individual devotion.£10.99
- 60 More Themed IntercessionsThe follow-up book to Sixty Themed Intercessions, these prayers are meant to be used as a guide and a resource, rather than just to read out. They are to spark off ideas and thoughts as we pray for our loved ones, our Church and the world community. Arranged in themed sections with a handy ...£10.99
- Even More Themed IntercessionsA third book of inspiring intercessions drom David Adam, popular author of many books on spirituality and prayer. The intercessions are grouped under the following themed sections: The presence of God God help us Light and life Servants of God God's creation God's kingdom Seasons£10.99
- 2000 Prayers For Public WorshipNick Fawcett is known and loved as one of the great spiritual writers of our time. In this book he has gathered together 2000 prayers from his enormous output and arranged them thematically for the key seasons of the Church year and all areas of Christian discipleship. The result is a resource ...£39.99 - £43.99
- 1500 Prayers For Public WorshipSusan Sayers, one of the best-loved Christian writers, has long provided elegant and simple prayers for public worship. This book brings together 1500 of these beautiful prayers, arranged thematically according to the Christian year and other key areas of life and worship in which we experience God.£29.99 - £32.99