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KM News — John Cox

An Interview With John Cox

Authors John Cox Topical

Author John Cox visited our offices a few weeks ago and while he was here Director Abbie Goldberg took the opportunity to interview him in our new mini TV studio!

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A question of Blame

Authors John Cox Topical

A question of Blame

Currently, I am quite busy writing a book on fear and anxiety, called 'Be not afraid'. In my head, it's a sort of follow-up to my book on happiness, called Happy Talk. Whether the new book actually ever gets published will be up to others. I can but hope.

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Happy Talk that is to be published by Kevin Mayhew this September.

Authors John Cox Products

Happy Talk that is to be published by Kevin Mayhew this September.

During Lent, I've been leading a Bible Study Course in a small Suffolk village. Despite a less than warm village hall and freezing weather, a faithful group of around 14 people have met each week.

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The dangers of social media

Authors John Cox Topical

The dangers of social media

The dangers of social media have been highlighted by any number of recent items in the news. And as usual, there are plenty of people ready to blame someone, anyone, for what happens. The government should do more. The platform companies should produce more effective algorithms to filter out the grooming, the bullying, the abuse. It's the schools. It's parents.

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The Lord's Prayer

Authors John Cox Topical

The Lord's Prayer

I find that increasingly I'm forgiven for being grumpy.  At my age it is almost as though people expect it of me. So I don't disappoint them. One of my little 'grumps' is that people don't trouble to remember things any more. They just get out their smart phone and look it up; addresses, phone numbers, where they live!  Like many youngsters of the time I was brought up to remember poems, passages from Shakespeare plays, history dates, prayers and verses from the Bible. It didn't do me any harm.  It provided a little store of things treasured away in my...

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