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Featured Author of the Month - David Adam

Authors David Adam Products

David Adam was born in Alnwick, Northumberland and was the Vicar of Lindisfarne where he ministered to thousands of pilgrims and other visitors for thirteen years until he retired in March 2003. He is the author of many inspiring books on spirituality and prayer, and his Celtic writings have rekindled a keen interest in our Christian heritage.

Icons of Glory

Icons of Glory is a book of intercessions for the major church festivals throughout the year.

Each set of intercessions prays for the Church, the world, the local community and our homes, the sick and those in need, ending with a remembrance of our loved ones departed. The short introduction to each festival will help focus on that event. There is also an opening prayer, readings from the Scriptures, an offering of God's peace and a blessing.Icons of Glory is a book of intercessions for the major church festivals throughout the year.

Each set of intercessions prays for the Church, the world, the local community and our homes, the sick and those in need, ending with a remembrance of our loved ones departed. The short introduction to each festival will help focus on that event. There is also an opening prayer, readings from the Scriptures, an offering of God's peace and a blessing.  

Candles - Complete Common Worship Talks and Activities

Candles were first published in three volumes, one for each year of the liturgical cycle. Since then David Adam's teaching programme has proved to be of enduring value as a resource for those who lead children's groups of pre-school age to 5 years. It is now being republished as a single volume, alongside its companion volume for older children, Lamps, covering Years A, B and C of Common Worship. Apart from minor revisions and updates the content of the original book remains the same. This revised edition includes a CD-Rom of the worksheets for every Sunday.

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