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The Year In Colour: AssembliesThe Year In Colour: Assemblies

The Year In Colour: Assemblies

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Product code: 1501028
Key Stage 1 - 2

Primary Assemblies for Christian Festivals and Seasons.
The aim of this book is to make it as easy as possible to present creative and satisfying assemblies for primary-age children. The book follows the pattern of the festivals and seasons of the Christian Year, while being divided into autumn, spring and summer for easy reference to the school terms. At the heart of each assembly is a story that can be used individually or with others to build up a theme throughout a season.Suitable for Key Stage 1-2


The beginning of the year - a story from Jeremiah
The colours of the Christian year
Saint Francis
The healing of Bartimaeus
All Saints' Day
Saint Andrew
The Festival of Christ the King
First assembly for Advent
Saint Nicholas
Second assembly for Advent
Saint Lucy
Third assembly for Advent
Second assembly for Epiphany
The healing of the man with leprosy
Saint Cuthbert
First assembly for Lent
Second assembly for Lent
Saint David
Saint Patrick
Third assembly for Lent
Palm Sunday
Good Friday and Easter Sunday
Saint George
Second assembly for Easter
Ascension Day
The Day of Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
The parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
The healing of the paralytic
The parable of the Pearl of Great Price
The parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
Saint Columba
Saint Aidan
An assembly for the end of the school year - Saint Mary Magdalene

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