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Our SongsOur Songs from Kevin Mayhew

Our Songs

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These paperback Words Edition and Music Edition hymn books are a collection of 400 songs and hymns  provide an enormous resource for assemblies, Mass and class work for Catholic schools. 

The piano and keyboard accompaniments are easy to play, and guitar chords are given for every song.


Abba, Abba, Father, you are the potter
Abba, Father, let me be
Abba, Father send your Spirit
A butterfly, an Easter egg
Ain't listenin' to no temptation
All creation, bless the Lord
All creatures of our God and King
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia: All the earth
Alleluia: Speak, Lord
Alleluia: We will hear your word
All God's people, come together
All in an Easter garden
All night, all day
All of my heart
All of the creatures God had made
All of the people
All over the world
All that I am
All the ends of the earth
All the nations of the earth
All things bright and beautiful
And everyone beneath the vine and fig tree
A new commandment
Anytime, anywhere
As earth that is dry
As gentle as silence
As I kneel before you
As the deer
A still small voice
At this time of giving
Away in a manger

Beautiful world
Be still and know I am with you
Be still and know that I am God
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Be the centre of my life
Biggest isn't always best
Bind us together, Lord
Blessed are my people
Blessed be God
Bless the Lord, my soul
Bless the Lord, O my soul
Blest are you, Lord, God of all creation
Born in the night
Bread we bring
Brother, sister, let me serve you
Build, build your church

Calypso carol
Caribbean Lord's Prayer
Care for your world
Caterpillar, caterpillar
Celtic alleluia
Change my heart, O God
'Cheep!' said the sparrow
Christ be beside me
Christ has died (Rees)
Christ has died (Wise)
Circle of friends
Clap, clap, clap gloria
Clap your hands, all you people
Clap your hands and sing this song
Close to you
Colours of day
Colours of hope
Come and go with me
Come and join the celebration
Come, Christian people
Come, come, come to the manger
Come, Holy Spirit, bring us light
Come into his presence
Come, let us raise a joyful song
Come, Lord Jesus, come
Come on and celebrate
Come on, let's get up and go
Come, they told me
Come to me
Country gardens gloria

Dear child divine
Deeper, wider, higher
Ding dong, merrily on high
Do not be afraid
Do not worry over what to eat
Don't build your house
Do what you know is right
Do you ever wish you could fly

Each of us is a living stone
Eat this bread
Every bird, every tree
Everyone's a Christmas baby

Father, in my life I see
Father, I place into your hands
Father, we adore you
Father welcomes all his children
Father, we love you
Father, we want to thank you
Feed us now, O Son of God
Fishes of the ocean
Follow me
Forward in faith
Freely, freely
Freedom for my people
Friends, all gather here in a circle
From heaven you came

Gather around for the table is spread
General acclamation
Gifts of bread and wine
Give me joy in my heart
Give me peace, O Lord
Give thanks to the Lord
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Gloria (Taizé)
Glorify your name
Glorious God, King of creation
Glory and honour to God in the highest
Glory, glory in the highest
Glory, glory to God (Rizza)
Glory to God
Glory to God, to God in the height
Glory to you, my God
God almighty set a rainbow
God cares for all creation
God forgave my sin
God gives his people strength
God has chosen me
God is living everywhere
God is love
God knows me 271
God our Father gave us life
God sends a rainbow
God's love is deeper
God's Spirit is in my heart
God turned darkness into light
God was born on earth
Goliath was big and Goliath was strong
Go tell everyone
Go, tell it on the mountain
Go, the Mass is ended
Gotta get out and scatter
Gotta put the world to rights
Go wandering in the sun
Great indeed are your works

Hail, Mary, full of grace
Halle, halle, halle
Hallelu, hallelu
Hang on
Hark, the herald-angels sing
Have you heard the raindrops
Hear what God says
Heaven invites you to a party
Hee, haw! Hee, haw!
He gave me eyes so I could see
He has made me glad
He is the King
He made me
Here I am, Lord
He's got the whole world in his hand
He's the same today
Hey, now, everybody sing
Holy God
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord (Ballantine)
Holy, holy, holy Lord (Rizza)
Holy, holy Lord (Rees)
Holy Mary, you were chosen
Holy, most holy, all holy the Lord (Slane Sanctus)
Holy, most holy, all holy the Lord (Skye Sanctus)
Holy Spirit of fire
Holy virgin, by God's decree
Hosanna to the Son of David
How did Moses cross the Red Sea?
How great is our God
How great thou art
How lovely on the mountains

I am the bread of life (Konstant)
I am the bread of life (Toolan)
I come like a beggar
I danced in the morning
I feel spring in the air today
If I am lacking in love
If I were a butterfly
If I were an astronaut
I give my hands
I have a friend
I have loved you
I love to be with you
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
I'm black, I'm white, I'm short, I'm tall
In bread we bring you, Lord
In the bleak midwinter
In the love of God and neighbour
In the upper room
In you, my God
I reach up high
Isn't it good
I the Lord of sea and sky
I've got peace like a river
I want to build my life on the Lord
I was so glad
I watch the sunrise
I will be with you
I will bless the Lord
I will click my fingers
I will enter his gates
I will sing, I will sing
I will wave my hands
I wonder as I wander

Jesus, ever-flowing fountain
Jesus had all kinds of friends
Jesus is greater
Jesus is the living way
Jesus, Lamb of God (Rees)
Jesus, Lamb of God (Rizza)
Jesus' love is very wonderful
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus, remember me
Jesus rose on Easter day
Jesus turned the water into wine
Jesus went away to the desert
Jesus will never, ever
Jesus, you love me
Join the song of praise and protest
Joseph was an honest man
Joy to the world
Jubilate, everybody
Judas and Mary
Just be glad God made you 'you'
Just imagine

King of kings
Kum ba yah
Kyrie eleison

Lamb of God (Fitzpatrick)
Lamb of God (Mayhew)
Laudate Dominum
Laudato sii
Lay your hands gently upon us
Lead my people to freedom
Lenten acclamation
Let love be real
Let our praise to you
Let the mountains dance and sing
Let us talents and tongues employ
Life for the poor was hard and tough
Life is for living now
Light a flame
Light up the fire
Like a sunflower
Listen, let your heart keep seeking
Little donkey
Living Lord
Living stones
Lord, forgive us
Lord, have mercy (Mawby)
Lord, have mercy (Rees)
Lord, have mercy (Rizza)
Lord, have mercy on my soul
Lord, have mercy on us
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of creation
Lord of life
Lord of the Dance
Lord of the future
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, we've come to worship you
Lord, you've promised through your son
Love is God's only law
Love is his word
Love is like a circle
Love is patient
Loving you gently, Lord

Magnificat (Forster)
Magnificat (Rizza)
Make me a channel of your peace
Mary had a baby
Mary said to Joseph
Morning has broken
Moses, I know you're the man
My best friend
My God loves me
My mouth was made for worship
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul proclaims you, mighty God

Never mind the sheep, look for the baby
New Lourdes hymn
Nobody's a nobody
No one will ever be the same

O come, all ye faithful
O come and join the dance
O, come to the water
O give thanks
Oh Mary, gentle one
Oh! Oh! Oh! how good is the Lord
O lady, full of God's own grace
O Lamb of God, come cleanse our hearts
O little town of Bethlehem
O living water
O Lord all the world belongs to you
O Lord, hear my prayer
O Lord, my God
O Lord, my heart is not proud
O my Lord, within my heart
Once in royal David's city
On Christmas night all Christians sing
One cold night in spring
One hundred and fifty-three!
One more step along the world I go
On our school your blessing, Lord
Open our eyes, Lord
O, the love of my Lord
O the word of my Lord
Our Father (Caribbean)
Our Father (Wiener)
Our God is so great
Our God reigns
Out to the great wide world we go
Over the earth is a mat of green
O when the saints go marching in

Peace I leave with you
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace, perfect peace is the gift
Peruvian gloria
Praise and thanksgiving
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise God in his holy place
Praise him in the morning
Praise the Lord
Praise to you, O Christ
Push, little seed
Put your trust

Rejoice in the Lord always
Right where you are
Rise and shine
Rise up, shepherd, and follow

Said Judas to Mary
Sandy land
Save us, O Lord
See, amid the winter's snow
See him lying on a bed of straw
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Send forth your Spirit, O Lord
Set my heart on fire
Shalom, my friend
Shine, Jesus, shine
Signs of new life
Silent night
Sing alleluia
Sing a simple song
Sing glory to God
Sing, holy mother
Sing hosanna
Sing it in the valleys
Sing lullaby
Sing out in joy
Sing, praise and bless the Lord
Sing praise to God
Sing to God a song of glory
Sing to the mountains
Spring in the air
Stand on the corner of the street
Stay with me
Step by step, on and on

Take and bless our gifts
Take me, Lord
Take my hands
Take our bread
Thanks for the fellowship
Thank you for the summer morning
Thank you, Lord
The American Eucharist
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The Ash Grove gloria
The bell of creation
The birds' song
The children's band
The clock tells the story of time
The donkey's Christmas carol
The duck goes 'Quack'
The first nowell
The giving song
The holly and the ivy
The Hopwood Mass
The Israeli Mass
The kingdom of heaven
The King is among us
The King of glory comes
The little drummer boy
The Lord hears the cry of the poor
The Lord is alive
The Lord is present in his sanctuary
There are hundreds of sparrows
There are people who live in mansions
There is a green hill
There is a Redeemer
There's a great big world out there
There's a rainbow in the sky
There's a seed
There's a star in the east
There wasn't any room at the inn
There was one, there were two
The Servant King
The Spirit lives to set us free
The trees of the field
The vine and fig tree
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
The voice from the bush
The wise man built his house upon the rock
The world is full of smelly feet
Think big: an elephant
Think of a world without any flowers
This child
This is my body
This is my command to you
This is the day
This little light of mine
This world you have made
Though the mountains may fall
Tick tock
To be with you
Trinity song

Ubi caritas

Vaster far than any ocean

Wait for the Lord
Wake up, O people
Walk in the light
Walk with me, O my Lord
Water of life
We are his people
We are marching in the light of God
We are one family together
We are the Easter people
We believe
We can plough and dig the land
We eat the plants that grow from the seed
We have a dream
We have a King who rides a donkey
We plough the fields, and scatter
We're going to shine like the sun
We thank God for the harvest
We three kings of Orient are
We will praise
We wish you a merry Christmas
What kind of greatness
What kind of man was this
Whatsoever you do
When God made the garden of creation
When I needed a neighbour
When is he coming
When Jesus was my age
When the day grows cold
When the Spirit of the Lord
When we eat this bread
When your Father made the world
Where are you bound, Mary?
Whether you're one
While shepherds watched
Who made the corn grow?
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Who's the king of the jungle?
With Jesus in the boat

Yahweh, I know you are near
Yesterday, today, for ever
You are the King of glory
You can drink it, swim in it
You must do for others
You shall go out with joy
You've got to move

Zacchaeus was a very little man
Zip bam boo

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