No Pianist For Assembly? No Problem!
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Key Stage 1 - 3
This eight-CD set provides appropriate backing to over 160 of the most popular hymns and worship songs in use in assembly today, with many different instruments and percussion.
Abba, Father, let me be
All creatures of our God and King
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
All over the world
All the flowers are waking
All things bright and beautiful
A new commandment
As the deer pants for the water
Autumn days
A wiggly, waggly worm
Be bold, be strong
Be still and know that I am God
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Big man standing by the blue waterside
Bind us together, Lord
Black and white
Can you be sure
Carpenter, carpenter, make me a tree
Close to you
Colours of day
Come and praise the Lord our King
Come on and celebrate!
Cross over the road
Don't build your house on the sandy land
Each day different
Father God, I wonder
Father, I place into your hands
Father, we adore you
Father welcomes all his children
Father, we love you
Follow me
Freely, freely
From heav'n you came, helpless babe
From the darkness came light
From the tiny ant
Give me joy in my heart
Give us hope, Lord
Glorify your name
God forgave my sin in Jesus' name
God has promised
God is love: his the care
God knows me
God made the colours of the rainbow
God's Spirit is in my heart
Go tell everyone
Halle, halle, hallelujah!
Have you heard the raindrops
He gave me eyes so I could see
He made me
Here I am, Lord
He's got the whole world in his hand
He who would valiant be
Hosanna, hosanna
How did Moses cross the Red Sea?
How great is our God
How great thou art
How lovely on the mountains
I danced in the morning
If I were a butterfly
I give my hands to do your work
I have a friend
I have seen the golden sunshine
I listen and I listen
I love the sun
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
I may speak in the tongues of angels
I'm black, I'm white, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm going to paint a perfect picture
I'm special
In the morning early
I planted a seed
I, the Lord of sea and sky
It's a new day
I watch the sunrise
I will bring to you
I will sing, I will sing a song unto the Lord
I will sing your praises
Jesus' hands were kind hands
Jesus' love is very wonderful
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus turned the water into wine
Jubilate, everybody
Kum ba yah
Let there be peace on earth
Life for the poor was hard and tough
Light up the fire
Living Lord
Look for signs
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of the dance
Lord of the harvest
Lord, the light of your love
Lost and found
Love is something if you give it away
Love will never come to an end
Magic penny
Make me a channel of your peace
Milk bottle tops and paper bags
Mister Noah built an ark
Morning has broken
My God is so big
O Lord, all the world belongs to you
O Lord, my God
One hundred and fifty-three
One more step along the world I go
Our Father (Caribbean)
Our God reigns
O, what a wonderful world
O when the saints go marching in
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace, perfect peace is the gift
Pears and apples
Praise him on the trumpet
Praise the Lord in the rhythm of your music
Prayer of St Francis
Rejoice in the Lord always
Riding out across the desert
Rise and shine
Said Judas to Mary
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Shalom, my friends
Shalom, shalom
Shine, Jesus, shine
Sing hosanna
Somebody greater
Spirit of God
Spirit of peace
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Thank you for the summer morning
Thank you, Lord, for this new day
The bell of creation
The best gift
The butterfly song
The ink is black
There are hundreds of sparrows
There is a green hill far away
There is singing in the desert
The Servant King
The Spirit lives to set us free
The trees of the field
The world is full of smelly feet
Think big: an elephant
Think of all the things we lose
Think of a world without any flowers
This is the day
This little light of mine
Travel on
Walk in the light
Water of life
We are climbing Jesus' ladder
We are marching in the light of God
We can plough and dig the land
We have a King who rides a donkey
We plough the fields, and scatter
When a knight won his spurs
When God made the garden of creation
When I needed a neighbour
When Jesus walked in Galilee
When your Father made the world
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Who's the king of the jungle?
Wide, wide as the ocean
Would you walk by on the other side
You can build a wall
You shall go out with joy
Away in a manger
Born in the night, Mary's child
Calypso carol
Candle in the window
Come and join the celebration
Come, they told me
Ding dong! merrily on high
Girls and boys, leave your toys
Go, tell it on the mountain
Hark, the herald-angels sing
Hee, haw! Hee, haw!
Here we go up to Bethlehem
In the bleak mid-winter
It was on a starry night
Kings came riding from the east
Little donkey
Little Drummer Boy
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
Mary had a baby
Mary's Child
O come, all ye faithful
O little town of Bethlehem
Once in royal David's city
See, amid the winter's snow
See him lying on a bed of straw
Silent night
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The donkey's Christmas carol
The first Nowell
The holly and the ivy
There isn't any room
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
We three kings of Orient are
We wish you a merry Christmas
When the winter day is dying
While shepherds watched
Zither carol
All creatures of our God and King
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
All over the world
All the flowers are waking
All things bright and beautiful
A new commandment
As the deer pants for the water
Autumn days
A wiggly, waggly worm
Be bold, be strong
Be still and know that I am God
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Big man standing by the blue waterside
Bind us together, Lord
Black and white
Can you be sure
Carpenter, carpenter, make me a tree
Close to you
Colours of day
Come and praise the Lord our King
Come on and celebrate!
Cross over the road
Don't build your house on the sandy land
Each day different
Father God, I wonder
Father, I place into your hands
Father, we adore you
Father welcomes all his children
Father, we love you
Follow me
Freely, freely
From heav'n you came, helpless babe
From the darkness came light
From the tiny ant
Give me joy in my heart
Give us hope, Lord
Glorify your name
God forgave my sin in Jesus' name
God has promised
God is love: his the care
God knows me
God made the colours of the rainbow
God's Spirit is in my heart
Go tell everyone
Halle, halle, hallelujah!
Have you heard the raindrops
He gave me eyes so I could see
He made me
Here I am, Lord
He's got the whole world in his hand
He who would valiant be
Hosanna, hosanna
How did Moses cross the Red Sea?
How great is our God
How great thou art
How lovely on the mountains
I danced in the morning
If I were a butterfly
I give my hands to do your work
I have a friend
I have seen the golden sunshine
I listen and I listen
I love the sun
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
I may speak in the tongues of angels
I'm black, I'm white, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm going to paint a perfect picture
I'm special
In the morning early
I planted a seed
I, the Lord of sea and sky
It's a new day
I watch the sunrise
I will bring to you
I will sing, I will sing a song unto the Lord
I will sing your praises
Jesus' hands were kind hands
Jesus' love is very wonderful
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus turned the water into wine
Jubilate, everybody
Kum ba yah
Let there be peace on earth
Life for the poor was hard and tough
Light up the fire
Living Lord
Look for signs
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of the dance
Lord of the harvest
Lord, the light of your love
Lost and found
Love is something if you give it away
Love will never come to an end
Magic penny
Make me a channel of your peace
Milk bottle tops and paper bags
Mister Noah built an ark
Morning has broken
My God is so big
O Lord, all the world belongs to you
O Lord, my God
One hundred and fifty-three
One more step along the world I go
Our Father (Caribbean)
Our God reigns
O, what a wonderful world
O when the saints go marching in
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace, perfect peace is the gift
Pears and apples
Praise him on the trumpet
Praise the Lord in the rhythm of your music
Prayer of St Francis
Rejoice in the Lord always
Riding out across the desert
Rise and shine
Said Judas to Mary
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Shalom, my friends
Shalom, shalom
Shine, Jesus, shine
Sing hosanna
Somebody greater
Spirit of God
Spirit of peace
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Thank you for the summer morning
Thank you, Lord, for this new day
The bell of creation
The best gift
The butterfly song
The ink is black
There are hundreds of sparrows
There is a green hill far away
There is singing in the desert
The Servant King
The Spirit lives to set us free
The trees of the field
The world is full of smelly feet
Think big: an elephant
Think of all the things we lose
Think of a world without any flowers
This is the day
This little light of mine
Travel on
Walk in the light
Water of life
We are climbing Jesus' ladder
We are marching in the light of God
We can plough and dig the land
We have a King who rides a donkey
We plough the fields, and scatter
When a knight won his spurs
When God made the garden of creation
When I needed a neighbour
When Jesus walked in Galilee
When your Father made the world
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Who's the king of the jungle?
Wide, wide as the ocean
Would you walk by on the other side
You can build a wall
You shall go out with joy
Away in a manger
Born in the night, Mary's child
Calypso carol
Candle in the window
Come and join the celebration
Come, they told me
Ding dong! merrily on high
Girls and boys, leave your toys
Go, tell it on the mountain
Hark, the herald-angels sing
Hee, haw! Hee, haw!
Here we go up to Bethlehem
In the bleak mid-winter
It was on a starry night
Kings came riding from the east
Little donkey
Little Drummer Boy
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
Mary had a baby
Mary's Child
O come, all ye faithful
O little town of Bethlehem
Once in royal David's city
See, amid the winter's snow
See him lying on a bed of straw
Silent night
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The donkey's Christmas carol
The first Nowell
The holly and the ivy
There isn't any room
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
We three kings of Orient are
We wish you a merry Christmas
When the winter day is dying
While shepherds watched
Zither carol