Worship & Hymnology
Worship & Hymnology Resources from Kevin Mayhew featuring bestselling books by your favourite authors. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
Showing 83 results
Showing 83 results for "Worship & Hymnology"
- Expressing Our NeedsFor individuals or small groups seeking to bring the ups and downs of life before God, here are 20 themed sessions, each with an accompanying CD track. Use this carefully crafted blend of words and music to commit your needs and concerns, together with the whole of life, to him.£10.99 - £12.99
- Expressing Our ThanksFor individuals or small groups seeking to bring the ups and downs of life before God, here are 20 themed sessions, each with an accompanying CD track.Use this carefully crafted blend of words and music to offer your thanks in prayer, and to consecrate the whole of life to him.£10.99 - £12.99
- Expressing Our SorrowFor individuals or small groups seeking to bring the ups and downs of life before God, here are 20 themed sessions, each with an accompanying CD track.Use this carefully crafted blend of words and music to acknowledge your mistakes, express your remorse, receive God's forgiveness, and consecrate ...£12.99
- Expressing Our WorshipFor individuals or small groups seeking to bring the ups and downs of life before God, here are 20 themed sessions, each with an accompanying CD track.Use this carefully crafted blend of words and music to celebrate God's greatness and goodness, and to consecrate the whole of life to him.£10.99 - £12.99
- Feasts & FestivalsThe church's feasts and festivals are true all-age occasions when we welcome all sorts of people to our places of worship. This book contains complete non-denominational services to help you celebrate these special occasions together.Bring the Bible to life with interactive storytelling, inspire ...£29.99 - £43.99
- Rejoice With Me'Christ dwells in you in your present situation. He does not wait for your perfection. He accepts your brokenness as his home.'Psalm 23, 'The Lord is my Shepherd', describes the psalmist as a trusting sheep, travelling through both pleasant and difficult terrain, always in the reassuring ...£13.99
- Signs Along The WayWhen making a journey to a new destination by car or on foot, it is helpful to have some guidance as to the direction in which to head and the possible difficulties that may be faced. Life as a Christian is often spoken about as a pilgrimage or a journey of faith, and this too needs a guide book ...£9.99
- Sermon Outlines And All-Age Group TalksSince the day it was published, Susan Sayers' all-age programme for Common Worship has proved invaluable to people who are responsible for leading worship. Susan's biblical and spiritual insights retain the value they have always had and her ideas for sermons for adults and for talks for ...£27.99
- Caring For Your Church BuildingThe Church of England is responsible for 16,000 parish churches, 12,500 of which are listed. Most of them are cared for by volunteers with no professional training in historic buildings and their conservation. James Halsall, one of the most experienced professionals supporting church buildings ...£14.99
- 999 Prayers - Rupert BristowA resource for home, church and school, for personal and pastoral use and for public worship, this compendium of prayers is invaluable for most occasions and situations. Rupert has written 999 prayers for many different needs, from short 'arrow' prayers in emergencies to careful intercessions ...£32.99
- Positive Prayers For CitiesA book of prayers that challenges the unspoken assumption that the countryside is God-filled and the city is God-forsaken. Prayers are divided into 4 main sections based on the liturgical calendar, with a pick-and-mix section at the back featuring prayers for particular groups of people within ...£12.99
- Lamps - Complete Common Worship, Talks & Activities (+ Cd) -6-10 YearsSince it was first published in three volumes, Lamps has proved consistently popular among leaders of groups for 6-10 year olds. We are now republishing David Adam's teaching programme in a single volume, covering Years A, B and C of Common Worship, and alongside Candles, its companion volume ...£32.99
- The Life-Giving PathUsing inspirational stories and creative techniques to guide the reader through a virtual retreat, Helen Warwick explores ways to finding a more fulfilled and meaningful life. Her emphasis on personal reflection enables the reader to review their circumstances, find their uniqueness and connect ...£14.99
- Hard Pews, Boring Sermons And No Loos?Excuses and reasons why people don't go to church Popular author John Cox offers suggestions why fewer people are going to church these days and where the church needs to take action. In the first part of the book he looks at the main reasons people give - some of them may even be just excuses ...£12.99
- Overturning TablesPoems are like parables, written to draw in the listener or reader. Paul Canon Harris combines humour, surprise and wordplay to get his audience thinking in a new way or to trigger a new insight. The title Overturning Tables reflects the author's belief that God is the Great Disturber. Jesus ...£9.99
- Harmony In WorshipHere is an excellent resource for all those interested in the part music can play in worship. At its very best music can enhance so many aspects of worship - from joyous praise to quiet contemplation. When all is in harmony, all is well, but relationships play an important part and sometimes ...£13.99
- Revelations Of GlorySaints are not set apart as perfect or sinless, for they have the same weaknesses as all humans, but they are who God has called them to be and in being themselves, they reveal God's glory. Saints are people who work in common union with God and he is seen at work in their lives. This book is to ...£27.99
- We All ShareIf you have ever wondered how you can help the very youngest children in our churches to connect with the story of Holy Communion, then We All Share is what you have been looking for! Children under 5 have an amazing capacity for worship and connection with God, yet they are often one of the ...£6.99 - £7.99
- More Than WordsThis collection of 144 hymns by Martin Leckebusch brings together the current texts of a new, exciting and talented hymn writer and the best traditions of the art of hymnody. He addresses contemporary issues in light of biblical teaching, exploring what it means to be God's people today - and ...£14.99
- The One:ActsThe One: Acts is the first version of the Bible specifically prepared for all-age worship. It presents a vibrant new interpretation using engaging, contemporary language: a modern version that tells the story to every generation. It's full of passion, adventure, conflict, love, hate, fear, ...£9.99