Worship & Hymnology
Worship & Hymnology Resources from Kevin Mayhew featuring bestselling books by your favourite authors. In Stock, available to buy direct from the UK publisher online today.
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Showing 83 results for "Worship & Hymnology"
- Prayers For All Seasons - Book 1Prayers For All Seasons is a comprehensive prayer resource for public worship. In three sections, The Christian Life, Life and Faith and Ordinary Sundays, there are prayers for every situation - prayers of petition, praise, thanksgiving, confession and intercession, offertory and communion ...£27.99 - £30.99
- Prayers For All Seasons Book 2Prayers for All Seasons Book 2 is a rich and versatile collection of prayers designed to accompany the Christian journey throughout the year. Following the first volume, this second volume offers fresh, thoughtful, and inspiring prayers for use in personal devotion and public worship. Organised ...£27.99 - £30.99
- Complete Collected IntercessionsTogether in one book for the first time, here are all the intercessions Nick Fawcett has written over the years, many of them revised and amplified. Covering not only the Christian seasons, Church year and other special services, but also a huge range of themes concerning society, the world and ...£27.99
- Short Prayers For Public WorshipA welcome resource of over 500 short prayers, designed to be read aloud in acts of worship, written in straightforward, everyday language. Prayers cover times of day, seasons of the Christian year and big issues like peace, evil and the kingdom of God, as well as more personal themes.£16.99
- Prayers For Public Worship - Lent To EasterBringing together 325 heartfelt and beautiful prayers,this book takes you from the start of Lent all the way through to Easter.An invaluable resource for all those who prepare public worship, these inspirational prayers have been written by four of the best-loved and most distinguished Christian ...£9.99 - £13.99
- Young Person's Quick Guide to LeadershipAn essential resource for schools, uniformed organisations and sports clubs Every year thousands of young people are appointed as head boys and girls, prefects and team captains. Much is expected of them but often with little or no training. This informative, interactive and accessible guide is ...£5.99 - £6.99
- No Ordinary Man - Book 1In each book of 100 imaginative and often moving meditations, Nick Fawcett puts us in the shoes of those who knew Jesus best as they try to make sense of what Jesus meant to them. With a superb collection of prayers, service outlines and much more, these books will prove an invaluable resource, ...£27.99
- No Ordinary Man - Book 2In this book of 100 imaginative and often moving meditations, Nick Fawcett puts us in the shoes of those who knew Jesus best as they try to make sense of what Jesus meant to them. With a superb collection of prayers, service outlines and much more, these books will prove an invaluable resource, ...£27.99
- All-Age Talks For Special SundaysPhotocopy: Permitted All-age Talks for Special Sundays contains eighteen fully worked-out all-age talks for Mothering Sunday, Christian Aid Week, Father's Day, Church Anniversary, Harvest, One World Week, All Saints' Day and Remembrance Day. Each talk is set out according to a basic framework: a ...£9.99
- Complete Themed IntercessionsThis fabulous resource brings together an incredible 180 intercessions that are suitable for church worship, smaller gatherings and individual devotion. Most follow a simple structure: we pray in turn for the Church and world, families and friends, the sick and suffering, and the departed. The ...£32.99
- 1000 Prayers For Public WorshipDavid Adam's writing on prayer and spirituality is loved the world over. In this book, we have gathered 1000 of his finest prayers and arranged them thematically for the key seasons of the Church year and all areas of Christian life. The result is an invaluable resource for those who prepare ...£24.99 - £27.99
- More All-Age Talks For Special Sundays28 fully worked out all-age talks by popular author Nick Fawcett to lead you step by step through preparation and presentation. ContentsThe Special Sundays cover: • All Saints' Day • New Year • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity • Mothering Sunday • Christian Aid Week • Father's Day • Harvest • ...£10.99
- No Ordinary Story (To Put It Another Way)The parables - we know them so well. Or do we? We may think we have learnt everything they have to teach us, but in these unforgettable stories can be found some of Jesus' most powerful and challenging teaching about the nature of discipleship and the kingdom of God. No Ordinary Stories does ...£21.99
- The Electric BibleA book of poems for public worship or personal reflection. Like electricity, Holy Scripture, which illuminates and enables us, also shocks when it challenges our values, lifestyles and unjust systems.£16.99 - £18.99
- All-Sorts PrayerOne of the many challenges presented by church services is how to unite people of all ages and abilities in prayer in a way which engages them all. All-Sorts Prayer offers an opportunity to do just this. Drawing on her experience of leading creative prayer, Claire Benton-Evans uses symbols, ...£21.99
- All-Sorts Prayer 2All-Sorts Prayer 2 offers an imaginative and often surprising collection of prayer ideas. Who would have thought that feathers, mirrors, ping pong balls, sand and After Eight mints could be used in prayer? All these and more are arranged in different sections to help worship leaders vary the ...£21.99
- One For All 3One for All 3 presents complete services for every Sunday of the year. They are designed to include everyone, which means that the whole congregation worships together and nobody is tidied away.Each service offers a completely fresh set of ideas, tailored to a specific theme:• Lively Bible ...£32.99
- Growing In The Faith - Confirmation Course For AdultsA Confirmation Course for Adults Confirmation is a significant event in a person's journey of faith and Christian commitment. In this preparation course for adults, John Cox provides sessions on key topics including Me, The Bible, Prayer and God. There is an extended introduction for each ...£9.99
- Carol Singers HandbookCarol singing flourished first in the middle ages, and every generation has made its own contribution to the tradition. We are no different today, and like so many others I go 'wassailing' at Christmastime armed with an array of carol books and single sheets of music. Juggling all this music can ...£21.99
- People Of Peace - MusicKevin Mayhew and Nick Fawcett have produced a stunning and thought-provoking work on the horror of war and the hope we can all have, through a true and living faith in God, of a brighter tomorrow. Though inspired by the life of Harry Patch, the last known survivor of the First World War, who ...£10.99
- Sunday By SundayKen Taylor offers two fresh collections of meditations and prayers for the Gospel readings for the whole year: Volume One covering the Sundays between Advent and Trinity, and Volume Two covering the other half of the year;. Both are suitable for use with any three-year Lectionary.£17.99