Hymns Old & New with Supplement
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Original edition of Hymns Old and New. Contains over 800 hymns and chants, Gelineau psalms, Mass settings and the music of St. Louis Jesuits
Words Edition
Cover: Paperback
210mm height x 14mm depth x 147mm width
Melody Edition
Cover: Paperback
147mm height x 34m depth x 210mm width
Organ Edition
Cover: Paperback
Abba, Abba, Father, you are the potter
Abba, Father, from your hands
Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Abide with me
Accept, O Father
A child is born for us
Adeste fideles
Adoramus te, Domine
Advent song
All creation bless the Lord
All creatures of our God and King
Allleuia (x8)
Alleluia (Plainsong Acclamations)
Alleluia, Come Oh Holy Spirit
Alleluia (Folk Alleluia)
Alleluia for Jesus
Alleluia give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia, he is coming
Alleluia (Melchizedek Alleluia)
Alleluia No. 1
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Alleluia, thank you for fathers
Alleluia, we will hear your Word
Alleluia, your Word is true
All glory, laud and honour
All glory to you, Redeemer and Lord
All God's people, come together
All hail the power of Jesus' name
All hail to you, Mary
All is quiet, all is sombre
All my hope
All over the world
All people that on earth do dwell
All that I am
All the earth proclaim the Lord
All the ends of the earth
All the nations of the earth
All things bright and beautiful
All things new
All you who seek a comfort sure
All you nations
Almighty Father, Lord most high
Almighty Father, take this bread
A man fully living
Amazing grace
And did those feet
And so we shout aloud
Ancient Russian Blessing
A new commandment
Angels we have heard in heaven
Angels we have heard on high
Are not our hearts
As bread my Lord comes to me
As earth that is dry
As gentle as silence
As I kneel before you
As one Body we are wed
As with gladness men of old
At Bethlehem she bore her son
At the cross her station keeping
At the Lamb's high feast we sing
At the name of Jesus
Ave Maria
Ave maria, O Maiden, O Mother
Awake, awake, fling off the night
Away in a manger
Battle is o'er
Be blessed, pure of heart
Before the light of evening fades
Behold, the Lamb of God
Be like your Father
Benedictus qui venit
Be not afraid
Be still and know that I am with you
Be still and know that I am God
Be still my soul
Bethlehem! of noblest city
Be thou my vision
Bind us together, Lord
Blessed are my people
Bless the Lord, my soul
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Anon.)
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Baughen)
Blest are the pure in heart
Blest are you, Lord
Blest are you, O poor in spirit
Blest be the Lord
Bread I bring
Break forth into joy
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Breath of God
Bring, all ye dear-bought nations
Bring flowers of the rarest
Broken for me
Build, build your Church
But I say unto you
By the blood that flow'd from thee
By the waters of Babylon
By your steadfast love
Caribbean Our Father
Child in the manger
Christ be beside me
Christ has died (Fitzpatrick)
Christ has died (Wise)
Christ has died (Walker)
Christ has died (Donnelly)
Christians, awake!
Christ is King of earth and heaven
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ is my light
Christ is our king
Christ suffered for you
Christ the Lord is risen today
Colours of day
Come and be filled
Come and bless, come and praise
Come and go with me
Come and join the celebration
Come and praise him
Come back to me with all your heart
Come, bless the Lord
Come, Christian people
Come, come, come to the manger
Come, come, follow me!
Come down, O Love divine
Come, follow me
Come from the North
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come
Come, Holy Lord, our faith renew
Come, Holy Spirit
Come into his presence
Come, let us go up to the Lord
Come, let us raise a joyful song
Come, Lord Jesus (Lundy)
Come, Lord Jesus (Vissing)
Come, Lord Jesus, come
Come, my brother, praise the Lord
Come, O divine Messiah
Come, praise the Lord
Come, take this bread
Come to me, all who labour
Come to me, all you who labour
Come to the water
Come to the waters
Come to us, Lord of light
Come, ye thankful people, come
Comfort, comfort my people
Confitemini Domino
Crown him with many crowns
Daily, daily, sing to Mary
Darkness falls, my hour has come
Day is done, but love unfailing
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear maker of the starry skies
Dear Saint Joseph
Deep calls to deep
Deep peace of the running wave
Ding dong! merrily on high
Do not be afraid
Do not be troubled
Do not worry over what to eat
Do you know that the Lord
Doxology and Great Amen
Draw nigh, and take the body
Dust, dust and ashes
Dying you destroyed our death (Walker)
Dying you destroyed our death (Mayhew)
Earthen vessels
Earth in the dark
Easter Carol
Eat this bread
Enter in the wilderness
Eternal Father, strong to save
Ev'ry bird, ev'ry tree
Faith in God
Faith of our fathers
Father and life-giver
Father, in my life I see
Father, I place into your hands
Father, we adore you
Father, we love you
Father, within thy house today
Fear not, for I have redeemed you
Fear not, rejoice and be glad
Feed us now, O Son of God
Feel the Spirit all around
Fight the good fight
Fill my house
Fill your hearts with joy
Firmly I believe and truly
Follow Christ and love the world
Follow me, follow me
For all the saints
Forth in the peace of Christ
Forth in thy name, O Lord
For the healing of the nations
For to those who love God
Forty days and forty nights
Forward in faith
For you are my God
For you my soul is thirsting
For you will be my people
Freedom for my people
Freely, freely
From the depths of sin and sadness
From the depths we cry to thee
From the rising of the sun
Gifts of bread and wine
Give me joy in my heart
Give me peace, O Lord
Give praise to the Lord
Gloria! Gloria!
Gloria (Hadleigh)
Gloria (Lourdes: English)
Gloria (Lourdes: Latin)
Glorify the Lord
Glorify your name
Glorious God, King of creation
Glory and praise to you
Glory be to Jesus
Glory hallelujah
Glory to God (Peruvian)
Glory to God! Peace to all men
Glory to thee, Lord God
Glory to thee, my God, this night
God and man at table
God be in my head
God be with you
God everlasting
God fills me with joy
God forgave my sin
God has filled me with endless joy
Godhead here in hiding
God is love, and the one
God is love, his the care
God is moving by his Spirit
God of mercy and compassion
God rest you merry, gentlemen
God rich in mercy
God's Spirit is in my heart
Going home
Gonna lay down my sword
Good King Wenceslaus
Go in peace
Go, make ready the way
Go tell everyone
Go tell it on the mountain
Go, the Mass is ended
Grant to us, O Lord
Grant us your peace, Lord
Guide me O thou great Redeemer
Hail glorious Saint Patrick
Hail Mary, full of grace (Landry)
Hail Mary, full of grace (Wiener)
Hail, Mary, mother of God
Hail, Queen of heav'n
Hail Redeemer, King divine
Hail, the day that sees him rise
Hail, thou star of ocean
Hail, to the Lord's anointed
Hallelujah, my Father
Hallelujah, for the Lord our God reigns
Happy the man
Hark! a herald voice is calling
Hark, the herald angels sing
Harvest Song
Have mercy on us, O Lord
Heavenly Father, I appreciate you
He brings us to his banqueting table
He did no wrong
He's a most unusual man
He is Lord
He is risen, tell the story
Here I am
Here I am, Lord
Here's a child for you, O Lord
He's got the whole world
Hevenu shalom aleikhem
He who would valiant be
His name is higher
Holy Father, God of might
Holy God, we praise thy name
Holy, holy, holy (Owens)
Holy, holy, holy! (Heber)
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Holy Mary, you were chosen
Holy Spirit, Lord of light
Holy Spirit of fire
Holy Virgin, by God's decree
How can I speak
How good it is to know your name
How great is our God
How great is your name
How lovely on the mountains
How lovely on the mountains
Hymn of glory
I am the bread of life (Konstant)
I am the bread of life (Toolan)
I am the Light
I am the vine
I am the way
I am with you forever
I ask your blessing, Lord
I believe in God almighty
If God is for us
If I am lacking in love
If I were a butterfly
If now my mind was still
If only you knew
I give my hands
I have made a covenant
I heard the Lord call my name
I'll be with you to the end of the world
I'll send you my Spirit
I'll sing a hymn to Mary
I looked up and I saw the Lord
Immaculate Mary
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
In bread we bring you
Increase my faith
In Christ there is no east or west
Infant holy
In him we knew a fullness
In him we live
In his days justice shall flourish
In love for me
In the bleak midwinter
In the earth the small seed is hidden
In the love of God and neighbour
Into one we all are gathered
Into the silence of our hearts
In you my God
In your coming and going
I saw the holy City
I see our hands and your side
I sing a song to you, Lord
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I, the servant-Lord
It came upon the midnight clear
It's me, O Lord
I want to build my life
I was glad when they said
I watch the sunrise
I will be with you
I will enter his gates
I will give you glory
I will never forget you
I will play before the Lord
I will shout for joy to Yahweh
I will sing a song to please our God
I will sing for ever
I will sing, I will sing
I will sing unto the Lord
I wonder as I wander
Jacob's Song
January brings the snow
Jerusalem the golden
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus Christ is waiting
Jesus, gentlest Saviour
Jesus himself drew near
Jesus, I love you
Jesus is God! the solid earth
Jesus is Lord
Jesus, Jesus, can I tell you
Jesus (Kerner)
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all
Jesus, remember me
Jesus rose on Easter Day
Jesus said: ‘When you gather in my name'
Jesus, the dying day
Jesus thou art coming
Jesus, you are Lord
Jesu, the very thought of thee
Joseph was an honest man
Jubilate Deo (Lécot)
Jubilate Deo (Praetorius)
Jubilate, servite
Just a closer walk with thee
Keep in mind that Jesus Christ
Keep we the fast that men of old
King of Glory
Kum ba yah
Kyrie Eleison
Lady of Grace
Lamb of God (Fitzpatrick)
Lamb of God (Appleford)
Lauda, Jerusalem
Laudate, Dominum
Laudate, omnes gentes
Laudato sii
Lay your hands gently upon us
Leader, now on earth no longer
Lead, kindly light
Lead us, heav'nly Father
Leave your country and your people
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Let all that is within me cry holy
Let all the world in every corner sing
Let me live in your house, O Lord
Let the words of my mouth
Let's all join together
Let's make peace in our hearts
Let there be love shared among us
Let trumpets sound
Let us break bread together
Let us talents and tongues employ
Let us with a gladsome mind
Lift up your hearts
Like a sea without a shore
Like a shepherd
Like the deer that yearns for water
Listen, let your heart keep seeking
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
Live in the Spirit
Living Lord
Long ago in Bethlehem
Look around you
Look at the sky
Look down, O Mother Mary
Look upon our offerings
Lord, accept the gifts we offer
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
Lord, for tomorrow and its needs
Lord, have mercy (Markland)
Lord, have mercy (Tamblyn)
Lord, have mercy (Mayhew)
Lord, have mercy (Morran)
Lord, however can I repay you?
Lord Jesus Christ, upon the night
Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
Lord Jesus, of you I will sing
Lord Jesus, think on me
Lord, make me a means of your peace
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of life
Lord of the universe
Lord our God, O Lord our Father
Lord see the proof our love is true
Lord, thy word abideth
Lord, we pray for golden peace
Lord, when I turn my back on you
Lord, who throughout these forty days
Lord, you have fulfilled you word
Lord, your Word's our heavenly Bread
‘Lourdes' Magnificat
Love divine all loves excelling
Love is come again
Love is his word
Love is patient
Loving shepherd of they sheep
Loving you gently, Lord
Magnificat (Lourdes)
Maiden yet a mother
Majesty, worship his majesty
Make me a channel of your peace
Man of Galilee
Many times I have turned
Mary immaculate
Mary, Mary, mother of God
Mary most holy
May the blessing of God
May the name of the Lord
May the peace of Christ be with you
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Morning has broken
Moses, I know you're the man
Most ancient of all mysteries
Mother of God's living world
Mother of mercy
My God, accept my heart this day
My God, and is thy table spread
My God, how wonderful thou art
My God, I love thee
My God loves me
My God said to me: Follow
My Lord, my Master
My love for you will never leave you
My song is love unknown
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul glorifies the Lord
My soul is filled with joy
My soul is longing for your peace
My soul is sad
My soul proclaims the Lord
Never strike back
New daytime dawning
New life!
New praises be given
Now come to me
Now let your people depart
Now thank we all our God
Now the green blade riseth
Now the Mass is ended, Lord
Now watch for God's coming
Now with the fast departing light
O be joyful in the Lord
O bread of heaven
O Breath of God
O Christe Domine Jesu
O come all ye faithful
O come and mourn with me
O come, O come, Emmanuel
Oh, come to the water
O comfort my people
Of one that is so fair
O food of travellers
Of the Father's love begotten
Of the glorious body telling
O Godhead hid
O God of earth and altar
O God, our help in ages past
O God, thy people gather
O God we give ourselves today
O holy Lord by all adored
O how good is the Lord
O Jesus Christ , remember
O King of might and splendour
O Lady, full of God's own grace
O let all who thirst
O little town of Bethlehem
O living water
O Lord, all the world belongs to you
O Lord hear my pray'r
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
O Lord, they are happy
O love of loves
Oh Mary, gentle one
O Mary, when our God chose you
O Mother blest, whom God bestows
O my Lord, within my heart
O my Lord, you look at me
Oh my Lord, you need only say the word
O my people, what have I done to you?
On a hill far away
Once in royal David's city
On Christmas night
On eagle's wings
One bread, one body
One cold night in spring
One, one eternal one
On Jordan's bank
Only a shadow
On this house your blessing, Lord
Onward Christian soldiers
On we go to Jerusalem
Open your ears
O perfect love
O praise our great and gracious Lord
O praise ye the Lord
O purest of creatures
O Sacrament most holy
O Sacred Head ill-used
O Sacred Head surrounded
O Sacred Heart
Oh sinner man
O that today
Oh the love of my Lord
Oh the word of my Lord
Oh thou who at thy eucharist
Our Father
Our Father in heaven
Our Father (Caribbean)
The accompaniment edition contains several further settings of the Lord's Prayer for which only the traditional words are required
Our God sent his son
Our God reigns
Our hearts were made for you
Out and away
Oh when the saints
O Wisdom, source of harmony
O worship the king
Pange lingua gloriosi
Peace I leave with you, my friends
Peace I leave with you
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace is the gift
Peace, perfect peace
Peruvian Gloria
Play before the Lord
Please break this bread, Lord
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him in the morning
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
Praise the Lord, and sing hallelujah
Praise the Lord with dancing
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him
Praise to God in the highest
Praise to the Father
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the Lord, the almighty
Praise to you, Lord
Praise we now the Lord our God
Praise we our God with joy
Psalm 88 (89)
Rain down justice
Reach out and touch the Lord
Regina caeli
Rejoice in the Lord always
Rejoice! the Lord is king
Remember, Maria
Ride on! ride on in majesty
Ring out your joy
Romans 8
Round me falls the night
Saint Joseph, God has chosen you
Salvation is God's
Salve Regina
Sanctus (Appleford)
Sanctus (Donnelly)
Sanctus (Lourdes: English)
Sanctus (Lourdes: Latin)
Save us, O Lord
Search me, O God
Seasons come, seasons go
See amid the winter's snow
Seek and you shall find
Seek ye first
See, the days are coming
See us Lord about thine altar
Send forth your Spirit, O Lord
Shalom, my friend
Shout aloud
Show me thy ways, O Lord
Silent night, holy night
Sing all creation
Sing alleluia
Sing a new song
Sing a simple song
Sing a song, sing a song
Sing hallelujah to the Lord
Sing, my soul
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Sing of a girl
Sing of him softly
Sing of Mary, pure and lowly
Sing, people of God
Sing praises to God
Sing praises to the living God
Sing praises to the Lord
Sing praise to the Lord for ever and ever
Sing the Good News
Sing to God a song of glory
Sing to our Father
Sing to the Lord, alleluia
Sing to the Lord a new song
Sing to the mountains
Sleep, holy babe
Song for a Young Prophet
Song of Ruth
Song of Simeon
Songs of thankfulness and praise
Soul of my Saviour
Spirit of love, Spirit of truth
Spirit of the living Christ
Spirit of the living God
Springs of water
Star of ocean, lead us
Star of sea and ocean
Stay with me
Stay with us, O Lord Jesus Christ
Steal away to Jesus
Suffer little children
Sweet heart of Jesus
Sweet sacrament divine
Sweet Saviour, bless us
Take me, Lord
Take my hands
Take my life
Take our bread
Take these gifts
Take this and eat it
Take this bread
Te Deum laudamus
Tell out my soul
Thank you
The angel Gabriel
The Beatitudes
The bakerwoman
The Butterfly Song
The Church's one foundation
The coming of our God
The day of resurrection
The day thou gavest
The eyes of the blind
The first Nowell
The Freedom Song
The head that once was crowned
The holly and the ivy
The Holy Spirit has come down
The King of glory comes
The King of love my shepherd is
The light of Christ
The Lord hears the cry of the poor
The Lord is alive!
The Lord is close
The Lord is my true shepherd
The Lord is present
The Lord Jesus
The Lord's my shepherd (Brother James)
The Lord's my shepherd (Crimond)
The Lord's my shepherd (Watson)
The Lord who speaks
The Lourdes Hymn
The love I have for you, my Lord
The Mass is ended
The ‘New' Lourdes Hymn
The Old Rugged Cross
The night before our Saviour died
The race that long in darkness pined
There is a green hill far away
There is a river
There is a world
There lived a man
There will be signs
The royal banners forward go
The shepherd in the hills
The Spirit lives to set us free
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit of the Lord is with us
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
The wind was cold
They go out
They hung him on a cross
Thine be the glory
This day God gives me
This is my body
This is my will
This is our faith
This is the bread
This is the day
This is the feast
This is the image of the queen
This is what Yahweh asks
This is your command
This joyful Eastertide
This little light of mine
This then is my pray'r
Thou art worthy, O Lord
Though the mountains may fall
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Through the night the shepherds roam
Thy hand, O God has guided
Till the end of my days
To become the bread of rejoicing
To Christ, the Prince of Peace
To Jesus' Heart, all burning
Today a Saviour has been born
Trust is in the eyes
Turn to me
Ubi caritas
Unless a wheatgrain
Unto us is born a son
Upon thy table
Vaster than any ocean
Veni, Creator Spiritus
Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Plainsong)
Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Vogler-Mayhew)
Wait for the Lord
Wake up, O people
Walk humbly with your God
Walk in the light
Walk with me, Oh my Lord
We are bound for the promised land
We are children of the Lord
We are gathering
We are God's people
We are the Easter people
We behold the splendour of God
We believe in God almighty
We believe, we do believe
We celebrate this festive day
We come to you, Lord
We come to your table
We cry, 'Hosanna, Lord'
We gather together
We have come into this house
We hold a treasure
Welcome, all ye noble saints
We offer you bread and wine
We plough the fields
We praise you and thank you
Were you there
We see the Lord
We shall overcome
We three kings
We will walk through the valley
What a joy
What can we offer you
What child is this
Whatsoever you do
When Christ, our Lord, to Andrew cried
When is he coming
When Israel was in Egypt's land
When I survey the wond'rous Cross
When Mary listened to God's word
When the day grows cold
When we eat this bread and drink this cup (Tamblyn)
When we eat this bread and drink this cup (Trad.)
Where two or three are gathered
Where are you bound, Mary
Where is love and loving kindness
Where love and charity endure
Wherever you go
Where would we be without Christ our Lord
While shepherds watched
Within our darkest night
Word made flesh
Yahweh, I know you are near
Yahweh's love will last for ever
Yahweh, the faithful one
Yahweh, you are my strength
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Ye sons and daughters
Ye who own the faith of Jesus
You are mine
Your Word is my light
Your words are spirit, Lord
You came down to earth
You shall cross the barren desert
You who dwell
You who sleep, rise up
Ps 8 How great is your name
Ps 8(b) (19) The law of the Lord is perfect
Ps 22 (23) The Lord is my shepherd
Ps 23 (24) The Lord's is the earth
Ps 24 (25) Lord, make me know you ways
Ps 33 (34) I will bless the Lord at all times
Ps 41 (42) Like the deer that yearns
Ps 42 (43) Defend me, O God
Ps 50 (51) Have mercy on me, God
Ps 62 (63) O God, you are my God
Ps 65 (66) Cry out with joy to God
Ps 71 (72) O God, give your judgement to the King
Ps 83 (84) How lovely is your dwelling place
Ps 84 (85) I will hear what the Lord God has to say
Ps 90 (91) He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Ps 92 (93) The Lord is King
Ps 94 (95) Come, ring out our joy to the Lord
Ps 97 (98) Sing a new song to the Lord
Ps 99 (100) Cry out with joy to the Lord
Ps 102 (103) My soul, give thanks to the Lord
Ps 103 (104) Bless the Lord, my soul
Ps 112 (113) Praise, O servants of the Lord
Ps 115 (116b) I trusted, even when I said
Ps 117 (118) Give thanks to the Lord for he is good
Ps 121 (122) I rejoiced when I heard them say
Ps 127 (128) By the labour of your hands
Ps 129 (130) Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord
Ps 130 (131) O Lord, my heart is not proud
Ps 135 (136) O give thanks to the Lord for; he is good
Ps 136 (137) By the rivers of Babylon
Ps 144 (145) I will give you glory
Ps 150 Praise God in his holy place
Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) My soul glorifies the Lord
Nunc dimittis (Luke 2:29-32) At last, all-powerful Master
(See also under individual sections of the Mass, e.g. ‘Lord have mercy'.)
The ‘American' Eucharist
The ‘Hopwood' Mass
The ‘Hora' Mass
The ‘Israeli' Mass
The ‘Kintbury' Mass
Mass in D Minor
The ‘New' Israeli Mass
Latin Mass
O salutaris hostia
O saving victim
Tantum ergo
Come, adore this wondrous presence
Adoremus in aeternum
Abba, Abba, Father, you are the potter
Abba, Father, from your hands
Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Abide with me
Accept, O Father
A child is born for us
Adeste fideles
Adoramus te, Domine
Advent song
All creation bless the Lord
All creatures of our God and King
Allleuia (x8)
Alleluia (Plainsong Acclamations)
Alleluia, Come Oh Holy Spirit
Alleluia (Folk Alleluia)
Alleluia for Jesus
Alleluia give thanks to the risen Lord
Alleluia, he is coming
Alleluia (Melchizedek Alleluia)
Alleluia No. 1
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Alleluia, thank you for fathers
Alleluia, we will hear your Word
Alleluia, your Word is true
All glory, laud and honour
All glory to you, Redeemer and Lord
All God's people, come together
All hail the power of Jesus' name
All hail to you, Mary
All is quiet, all is sombre
All my hope
All over the world
All people that on earth do dwell
All that I am
All the earth proclaim the Lord
All the ends of the earth
All the nations of the earth
All things bright and beautiful
All things new
All you who seek a comfort sure
All you nations
Almighty Father, Lord most high
Almighty Father, take this bread
A man fully living
Amazing grace
And did those feet
And so we shout aloud
Ancient Russian Blessing
A new commandment
Angels we have heard in heaven
Angels we have heard on high
Are not our hearts
As bread my Lord comes to me
As earth that is dry
As gentle as silence
As I kneel before you
As one Body we are wed
As with gladness men of old
At Bethlehem she bore her son
At the cross her station keeping
At the Lamb's high feast we sing
At the name of Jesus
Ave Maria
Ave maria, O Maiden, O Mother
Awake, awake, fling off the night
Away in a manger
Battle is o'er
Be blessed, pure of heart
Before the light of evening fades
Behold, the Lamb of God
Be like your Father
Benedictus qui venit
Be not afraid
Be still and know that I am with you
Be still and know that I am God
Be still my soul
Bethlehem! of noblest city
Be thou my vision
Bind us together, Lord
Blessed are my people
Bless the Lord, my soul
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Anon.)
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Baughen)
Blest are the pure in heart
Blest are you, Lord
Blest are you, O poor in spirit
Blest be the Lord
Bread I bring
Break forth into joy
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Breath of God
Bring, all ye dear-bought nations
Bring flowers of the rarest
Broken for me
Build, build your Church
But I say unto you
By the blood that flow'd from thee
By the waters of Babylon
By your steadfast love
Caribbean Our Father
Child in the manger
Christ be beside me
Christ has died (Fitzpatrick)
Christ has died (Wise)
Christ has died (Walker)
Christ has died (Donnelly)
Christians, awake!
Christ is King of earth and heaven
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ is my light
Christ is our king
Christ suffered for you
Christ the Lord is risen today
Colours of day
Come and be filled
Come and bless, come and praise
Come and go with me
Come and join the celebration
Come and praise him
Come back to me with all your heart
Come, bless the Lord
Come, Christian people
Come, come, come to the manger
Come, come, follow me!
Come down, O Love divine
Come, follow me
Come from the North
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come
Come, Holy Lord, our faith renew
Come, Holy Spirit
Come into his presence
Come, let us go up to the Lord
Come, let us raise a joyful song
Come, Lord Jesus (Lundy)
Come, Lord Jesus (Vissing)
Come, Lord Jesus, come
Come, my brother, praise the Lord
Come, O divine Messiah
Come, praise the Lord
Come, take this bread
Come to me, all who labour
Come to me, all you who labour
Come to the water
Come to the waters
Come to us, Lord of light
Come, ye thankful people, come
Comfort, comfort my people
Confitemini Domino
Crown him with many crowns
Daily, daily, sing to Mary
Darkness falls, my hour has come
Day is done, but love unfailing
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear maker of the starry skies
Dear Saint Joseph
Deep calls to deep
Deep peace of the running wave
Ding dong! merrily on high
Do not be afraid
Do not be troubled
Do not worry over what to eat
Do you know that the Lord
Doxology and Great Amen
Draw nigh, and take the body
Dust, dust and ashes
Dying you destroyed our death (Walker)
Dying you destroyed our death (Mayhew)
Earthen vessels
Earth in the dark
Easter Carol
Eat this bread
Enter in the wilderness
Eternal Father, strong to save
Ev'ry bird, ev'ry tree
Faith in God
Faith of our fathers
Father and life-giver
Father, in my life I see
Father, I place into your hands
Father, we adore you
Father, we love you
Father, within thy house today
Fear not, for I have redeemed you
Fear not, rejoice and be glad
Feed us now, O Son of God
Feel the Spirit all around
Fight the good fight
Fill my house
Fill your hearts with joy
Firmly I believe and truly
Follow Christ and love the world
Follow me, follow me
For all the saints
Forth in the peace of Christ
Forth in thy name, O Lord
For the healing of the nations
For to those who love God
Forty days and forty nights
Forward in faith
For you are my God
For you my soul is thirsting
For you will be my people
Freedom for my people
Freely, freely
From the depths of sin and sadness
From the depths we cry to thee
From the rising of the sun
Gifts of bread and wine
Give me joy in my heart
Give me peace, O Lord
Give praise to the Lord
Gloria! Gloria!
Gloria (Hadleigh)
Gloria (Lourdes: English)
Gloria (Lourdes: Latin)
Glorify the Lord
Glorify your name
Glorious God, King of creation
Glory and praise to you
Glory be to Jesus
Glory hallelujah
Glory to God (Peruvian)
Glory to God! Peace to all men
Glory to thee, Lord God
Glory to thee, my God, this night
God and man at table
God be in my head
God be with you
God everlasting
God fills me with joy
God forgave my sin
God has filled me with endless joy
Godhead here in hiding
God is love, and the one
God is love, his the care
God is moving by his Spirit
God of mercy and compassion
God rest you merry, gentlemen
God rich in mercy
God's Spirit is in my heart
Going home
Gonna lay down my sword
Good King Wenceslaus
Go in peace
Go, make ready the way
Go tell everyone
Go tell it on the mountain
Go, the Mass is ended
Grant to us, O Lord
Grant us your peace, Lord
Guide me O thou great Redeemer
Hail glorious Saint Patrick
Hail Mary, full of grace (Landry)
Hail Mary, full of grace (Wiener)
Hail, Mary, mother of God
Hail, Queen of heav'n
Hail Redeemer, King divine
Hail, the day that sees him rise
Hail, thou star of ocean
Hail, to the Lord's anointed
Hallelujah, my Father
Hallelujah, for the Lord our God reigns
Happy the man
Hark! a herald voice is calling
Hark, the herald angels sing
Harvest Song
Have mercy on us, O Lord
Heavenly Father, I appreciate you
He brings us to his banqueting table
He did no wrong
He's a most unusual man
He is Lord
He is risen, tell the story
Here I am
Here I am, Lord
Here's a child for you, O Lord
He's got the whole world
Hevenu shalom aleikhem
He who would valiant be
His name is higher
Holy Father, God of might
Holy God, we praise thy name
Holy, holy, holy (Owens)
Holy, holy, holy! (Heber)
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Holy Mary, you were chosen
Holy Spirit, Lord of light
Holy Spirit of fire
Holy Virgin, by God's decree
How can I speak
How good it is to know your name
How great is our God
How great is your name
How lovely on the mountains
How lovely on the mountains
Hymn of glory
I am the bread of life (Konstant)
I am the bread of life (Toolan)
I am the Light
I am the vine
I am the way
I am with you forever
I ask your blessing, Lord
I believe in God almighty
If God is for us
If I am lacking in love
If I were a butterfly
If now my mind was still
If only you knew
I give my hands
I have made a covenant
I heard the Lord call my name
I'll be with you to the end of the world
I'll send you my Spirit
I'll sing a hymn to Mary
I looked up and I saw the Lord
Immaculate Mary
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
In bread we bring you
Increase my faith
In Christ there is no east or west
Infant holy
In him we knew a fullness
In him we live
In his days justice shall flourish
In love for me
In the bleak midwinter
In the earth the small seed is hidden
In the love of God and neighbour
Into one we all are gathered
Into the silence of our hearts
In you my God
In your coming and going
I saw the holy City
I see our hands and your side
I sing a song to you, Lord
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I, the servant-Lord
It came upon the midnight clear
It's me, O Lord
I want to build my life
I was glad when they said
I watch the sunrise
I will be with you
I will enter his gates
I will give you glory
I will never forget you
I will play before the Lord
I will shout for joy to Yahweh
I will sing a song to please our God
I will sing for ever
I will sing, I will sing
I will sing unto the Lord
I wonder as I wander
Jacob's Song
January brings the snow
Jerusalem the golden
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus Christ is waiting
Jesus, gentlest Saviour
Jesus himself drew near
Jesus, I love you
Jesus is God! the solid earth
Jesus is Lord
Jesus, Jesus, can I tell you
Jesus (Kerner)
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all
Jesus, remember me
Jesus rose on Easter Day
Jesus said: ‘When you gather in my name'
Jesus, the dying day
Jesus thou art coming
Jesus, you are Lord
Jesu, the very thought of thee
Joseph was an honest man
Jubilate Deo (Lécot)
Jubilate Deo (Praetorius)
Jubilate, servite
Just a closer walk with thee
Keep in mind that Jesus Christ
Keep we the fast that men of old
King of Glory
Kum ba yah
Kyrie Eleison
Lady of Grace
Lamb of God (Fitzpatrick)
Lamb of God (Appleford)
Lauda, Jerusalem
Laudate, Dominum
Laudate, omnes gentes
Laudato sii
Lay your hands gently upon us
Leader, now on earth no longer
Lead, kindly light
Lead us, heav'nly Father
Leave your country and your people
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Let all that is within me cry holy
Let all the world in every corner sing
Let me live in your house, O Lord
Let the words of my mouth
Let's all join together
Let's make peace in our hearts
Let there be love shared among us
Let trumpets sound
Let us break bread together
Let us talents and tongues employ
Let us with a gladsome mind
Lift up your hearts
Like a sea without a shore
Like a shepherd
Like the deer that yearns for water
Listen, let your heart keep seeking
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
Live in the Spirit
Living Lord
Long ago in Bethlehem
Look around you
Look at the sky
Look down, O Mother Mary
Look upon our offerings
Lord, accept the gifts we offer
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
Lord, for tomorrow and its needs
Lord, have mercy (Markland)
Lord, have mercy (Tamblyn)
Lord, have mercy (Mayhew)
Lord, have mercy (Morran)
Lord, however can I repay you?
Lord Jesus Christ, upon the night
Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
Lord Jesus, of you I will sing
Lord Jesus, think on me
Lord, make me a means of your peace
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of life
Lord of the universe
Lord our God, O Lord our Father
Lord see the proof our love is true
Lord, thy word abideth
Lord, we pray for golden peace
Lord, when I turn my back on you
Lord, who throughout these forty days
Lord, you have fulfilled you word
Lord, your Word's our heavenly Bread
‘Lourdes' Magnificat
Love divine all loves excelling
Love is come again
Love is his word
Love is patient
Loving shepherd of they sheep
Loving you gently, Lord
Magnificat (Lourdes)
Maiden yet a mother
Majesty, worship his majesty
Make me a channel of your peace
Man of Galilee
Many times I have turned
Mary immaculate
Mary, Mary, mother of God
Mary most holy
May the blessing of God
May the name of the Lord
May the peace of Christ be with you
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Morning has broken
Moses, I know you're the man
Most ancient of all mysteries
Mother of God's living world
Mother of mercy
My God, accept my heart this day
My God, and is thy table spread
My God, how wonderful thou art
My God, I love thee
My God loves me
My God said to me: Follow
My Lord, my Master
My love for you will never leave you
My song is love unknown
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul glorifies the Lord
My soul is filled with joy
My soul is longing for your peace
My soul is sad
My soul proclaims the Lord
Never strike back
New daytime dawning
New life!
New praises be given
Now come to me
Now let your people depart
Now thank we all our God
Now the green blade riseth
Now the Mass is ended, Lord
Now watch for God's coming
Now with the fast departing light
O be joyful in the Lord
O bread of heaven
O Breath of God
O Christe Domine Jesu
O come all ye faithful
O come and mourn with me
O come, O come, Emmanuel
Oh, come to the water
O comfort my people
Of one that is so fair
O food of travellers
Of the Father's love begotten
Of the glorious body telling
O Godhead hid
O God of earth and altar
O God, our help in ages past
O God, thy people gather
O God we give ourselves today
O holy Lord by all adored
O how good is the Lord
O Jesus Christ , remember
O King of might and splendour
O Lady, full of God's own grace
O let all who thirst
O little town of Bethlehem
O living water
O Lord, all the world belongs to you
O Lord hear my pray'r
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
O Lord, they are happy
O love of loves
Oh Mary, gentle one
O Mary, when our God chose you
O Mother blest, whom God bestows
O my Lord, within my heart
O my Lord, you look at me
Oh my Lord, you need only say the word
O my people, what have I done to you?
On a hill far away
Once in royal David's city
On Christmas night
On eagle's wings
One bread, one body
One cold night in spring
One, one eternal one
On Jordan's bank
Only a shadow
On this house your blessing, Lord
Onward Christian soldiers
On we go to Jerusalem
Open your ears
O perfect love
O praise our great and gracious Lord
O praise ye the Lord
O purest of creatures
O Sacrament most holy
O Sacred Head ill-used
O Sacred Head surrounded
O Sacred Heart
Oh sinner man
O that today
Oh the love of my Lord
Oh the word of my Lord
Oh thou who at thy eucharist
Our Father
Our Father in heaven
Our Father (Caribbean)
The accompaniment edition contains several further settings of the Lord's Prayer for which only the traditional words are required
Our God sent his son
Our God reigns
Our hearts were made for you
Out and away
Oh when the saints
O Wisdom, source of harmony
O worship the king
Pange lingua gloriosi
Peace I leave with you, my friends
Peace I leave with you
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace is the gift
Peace, perfect peace
Peruvian Gloria
Play before the Lord
Please break this bread, Lord
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him in the morning
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
Praise the Lord, and sing hallelujah
Praise the Lord with dancing
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him
Praise to God in the highest
Praise to the Father
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the Lord, the almighty
Praise to you, Lord
Praise we now the Lord our God
Praise we our God with joy
Psalm 88 (89)
Rain down justice
Reach out and touch the Lord
Regina caeli
Rejoice in the Lord always
Rejoice! the Lord is king
Remember, Maria
Ride on! ride on in majesty
Ring out your joy
Romans 8
Round me falls the night
Saint Joseph, God has chosen you
Salvation is God's
Salve Regina
Sanctus (Appleford)
Sanctus (Donnelly)
Sanctus (Lourdes: English)
Sanctus (Lourdes: Latin)
Save us, O Lord
Search me, O God
Seasons come, seasons go
See amid the winter's snow
Seek and you shall find
Seek ye first
See, the days are coming
See us Lord about thine altar
Send forth your Spirit, O Lord
Shalom, my friend
Shout aloud
Show me thy ways, O Lord
Silent night, holy night
Sing all creation
Sing alleluia
Sing a new song
Sing a simple song
Sing a song, sing a song
Sing hallelujah to the Lord
Sing, my soul
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Sing of a girl
Sing of him softly
Sing of Mary, pure and lowly
Sing, people of God
Sing praises to God
Sing praises to the living God
Sing praises to the Lord
Sing praise to the Lord for ever and ever
Sing the Good News
Sing to God a song of glory
Sing to our Father
Sing to the Lord, alleluia
Sing to the Lord a new song
Sing to the mountains
Sleep, holy babe
Song for a Young Prophet
Song of Ruth
Song of Simeon
Songs of thankfulness and praise
Soul of my Saviour
Spirit of love, Spirit of truth
Spirit of the living Christ
Spirit of the living God
Springs of water
Star of ocean, lead us
Star of sea and ocean
Stay with me
Stay with us, O Lord Jesus Christ
Steal away to Jesus
Suffer little children
Sweet heart of Jesus
Sweet sacrament divine
Sweet Saviour, bless us
Take me, Lord
Take my hands
Take my life
Take our bread
Take these gifts
Take this and eat it
Take this bread
Te Deum laudamus
Tell out my soul
Thank you
The angel Gabriel
The Beatitudes
The bakerwoman
The Butterfly Song
The Church's one foundation
The coming of our God
The day of resurrection
The day thou gavest
The eyes of the blind
The first Nowell
The Freedom Song
The head that once was crowned
The holly and the ivy
The Holy Spirit has come down
The King of glory comes
The King of love my shepherd is
The light of Christ
The Lord hears the cry of the poor
The Lord is alive!
The Lord is close
The Lord is my true shepherd
The Lord is present
The Lord Jesus
The Lord's my shepherd (Brother James)
The Lord's my shepherd (Crimond)
The Lord's my shepherd (Watson)
The Lord who speaks
The Lourdes Hymn
The love I have for you, my Lord
The Mass is ended
The ‘New' Lourdes Hymn
The Old Rugged Cross
The night before our Saviour died
The race that long in darkness pined
There is a green hill far away
There is a river
There is a world
There lived a man
There will be signs
The royal banners forward go
The shepherd in the hills
The Spirit lives to set us free
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit of the Lord is with us
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
The wind was cold
They go out
They hung him on a cross
Thine be the glory
This day God gives me
This is my body
This is my will
This is our faith
This is the bread
This is the day
This is the feast
This is the image of the queen
This is what Yahweh asks
This is your command
This joyful Eastertide
This little light of mine
This then is my pray'r
Thou art worthy, O Lord
Though the mountains may fall
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Through the night the shepherds roam
Thy hand, O God has guided
Till the end of my days
To become the bread of rejoicing
To Christ, the Prince of Peace
To Jesus' Heart, all burning
Today a Saviour has been born
Trust is in the eyes
Turn to me
Ubi caritas
Unless a wheatgrain
Unto us is born a son
Upon thy table
Vaster than any ocean
Veni, Creator Spiritus
Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Plainsong)
Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Vogler-Mayhew)
Wait for the Lord
Wake up, O people
Walk humbly with your God
Walk in the light
Walk with me, Oh my Lord
We are bound for the promised land
We are children of the Lord
We are gathering
We are God's people
We are the Easter people
We behold the splendour of God
We believe in God almighty
We believe, we do believe
We celebrate this festive day
We come to you, Lord
We come to your table
We cry, 'Hosanna, Lord'
We gather together
We have come into this house
We hold a treasure
Welcome, all ye noble saints
We offer you bread and wine
We plough the fields
We praise you and thank you
Were you there
We see the Lord
We shall overcome
We three kings
We will walk through the valley
What a joy
What can we offer you
What child is this
Whatsoever you do
When Christ, our Lord, to Andrew cried
When is he coming
When Israel was in Egypt's land
When I survey the wond'rous Cross
When Mary listened to God's word
When the day grows cold
When we eat this bread and drink this cup (Tamblyn)
When we eat this bread and drink this cup (Trad.)
Where two or three are gathered
Where are you bound, Mary
Where is love and loving kindness
Where love and charity endure
Wherever you go
Where would we be without Christ our Lord
While shepherds watched
Within our darkest night
Word made flesh
Yahweh, I know you are near
Yahweh's love will last for ever
Yahweh, the faithful one
Yahweh, you are my strength
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Ye sons and daughters
Ye who own the faith of Jesus
You are mine
Your Word is my light
Your words are spirit, Lord
You came down to earth
You shall cross the barren desert
You who dwell
You who sleep, rise up
Ps 8 How great is your name
Ps 8(b) (19) The law of the Lord is perfect
Ps 22 (23) The Lord is my shepherd
Ps 23 (24) The Lord's is the earth
Ps 24 (25) Lord, make me know you ways
Ps 33 (34) I will bless the Lord at all times
Ps 41 (42) Like the deer that yearns
Ps 42 (43) Defend me, O God
Ps 50 (51) Have mercy on me, God
Ps 62 (63) O God, you are my God
Ps 65 (66) Cry out with joy to God
Ps 71 (72) O God, give your judgement to the King
Ps 83 (84) How lovely is your dwelling place
Ps 84 (85) I will hear what the Lord God has to say
Ps 90 (91) He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Ps 92 (93) The Lord is King
Ps 94 (95) Come, ring out our joy to the Lord
Ps 97 (98) Sing a new song to the Lord
Ps 99 (100) Cry out with joy to the Lord
Ps 102 (103) My soul, give thanks to the Lord
Ps 103 (104) Bless the Lord, my soul
Ps 112 (113) Praise, O servants of the Lord
Ps 115 (116b) I trusted, even when I said
Ps 117 (118) Give thanks to the Lord for he is good
Ps 121 (122) I rejoiced when I heard them say
Ps 127 (128) By the labour of your hands
Ps 129 (130) Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord
Ps 130 (131) O Lord, my heart is not proud
Ps 135 (136) O give thanks to the Lord for; he is good
Ps 136 (137) By the rivers of Babylon
Ps 144 (145) I will give you glory
Ps 150 Praise God in his holy place
Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) My soul glorifies the Lord
Nunc dimittis (Luke 2:29-32) At last, all-powerful Master
(See also under individual sections of the Mass, e.g. ‘Lord have mercy'.)
The ‘American' Eucharist
The ‘Hopwood' Mass
The ‘Hora' Mass
The ‘Israeli' Mass
The ‘Kintbury' Mass
Mass in D Minor
The ‘New' Israeli Mass
Latin Mass
O salutaris hostia
O saving victim
Tantum ergo
Come, adore this wondrous presence
Adoremus in aeternum
There is a wide range of hymn books available to purchase with various choices in hymns and settings. To help you identify the best hymn books for your circumstances, we have compiled a PDF document allowing you to better compare options. Click here to view the guide.